#death row

Collection of death row news, found 241 news.

Attorney general: "we carry out unpleasant duty"

Attorney General H.M. Prasetyo said the process of executing eight death row convicts on the island of Nusakambangan ...

Eight death row convicts executed in Nusakambangan

Eight of nine drug convicts on death row were executed simultaneously on Wednesday at 00.25 local time on the island ...

Indonesia to execute nine convicted drug dealers this week: Minister

The execution of nine inmates on death row convicted on drug trafficking charges will be carried out this week, ...

Former Indonesian President Yudhoyono cancels trip to Australia

Former Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has cancelled his plan to visit Perth, Australia. He cited ...

Legislator regrets UN Secretary General`s statement on Indonesia`s execution plan

Indonesian lawmaker TB Hasanuddin expressed regret over UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moons statement, which intervenes ...

Mary Jane`s second judicial review plea rejected

A court in Sleman, Yogyakarta, rejected death row convict Mary Jane Fiesta Velosos judicial review petition on ...

Mass for Mary Jane facing execution

Catholics in Magelang, Central Java, held mass for Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, a death row convict from the Philippines ...

Preparation for execution of death row convicts ordered

The attorney general office has ordered for the preparation of execution of 11 death row convicts. The order was ...

France summons Indonesian ambassador over citizen on death row

France Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius summoned the Indonesian ambassador on Wednesday to discuss the case of a ...

Execution of drug convicts only a matter of time: President

The execution of 11 drug convicts on death row was only a matter of time, pending conclusion of a current legal ...

Australian tourist arrivals in Bali increasing

The Indonesian plan to execute two Australian nationals on death-row convicts for a drug case has not reduced ...

Philippine delegation visits death convict Mary Jane

A delegation from the Philippine Embassy visited death convict Mary Jane Fiesto Veloso at the Wirogunan Penitentiary ...

Death convict Mary Jane to be moved to Nusakambangan

Narcotic drug convict on death row Filipino Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso will soon be moved to a prison on Nusakambangan ...

Attorney general says no change in execution plan

The attorney general reaffirmed here Friday that a plan to execute drug convicts on death row has not been put on ...

drug convict Rodrigo Gularte communicates normally: warden

Chief of Pasir Putih penitentiary Hendra Eka Putranto said here on Thursday that Brazilian drug convict on death row ...