
Collection of death news, found 4.968 news.

Indonesia's daily COVID-19 cases climb by 15,308

Indonesia added 15,308 daily COVID-19 cases on Wednesday (June 23, 2021), taking the total tally to 2,033,421, ...

Commuter line users decline on second day of PPKM

The number of people using the commuter line in Jakarta fell on Wednesday, the second day of public movement ...

COVID-19 delta variant tends to infect patients under 18: Ministry

The Indonesian Health Ministry reported that the Delta variant of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) tended to infect ...

Ministry emphasizes criticality of adequate TPT in Indonesia

The Indonesian Health Ministry accentuated the necessity for adequate tuberculosis prevention therapy (TPT) to ...

Jakarta intensifies restrictions amid drastic COVID-19 case surge

 Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city, has witnessed records in terms of the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases ...

Task force confirms 2,584 children contracted COVID-19 in Babel

A total of 2,584 children in the age group of one to 14 years in Bangka Belitung (Babel)  Province were exposed to ...

Governor Baswedan urges public to care for those contracting COVID-19

 Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has made an earnest request to the people to care for those having contracted ...

Indonesian hospitals asked to prioritize patients with comorbidities

Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has asked hospitals across the country to prioritize treating COVID-19 ...

Indonesia's COVID-19 cases jump by 12,906 in 24 hours

Indonesia’s daily COVID-19 cases climbed by 12,906 on Saturday, taking the total tally to 1,976,172, according to ...

COVID-19: Nearly seven thousand senior citizens in Aceh vaccinated

Aceh's some 6,957 people from the elderly bracket were inoculated to shield them from contracting the coronavirus ...

Indonesia's COVID-19 cases spike to 12,990

Indonesia recorded 12,990 COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours amid a fresh surge in infections, bringing the total ...

COVID-19 task force mulls nixing long holidays

The national COVID-19 task force has said it is considering eliminating long holidays altogether to prevent the spread ...

Smiths Medical issues worldwide notification regarding the recall of Jelco® Hypodermic Needle-Pro® Fixed Needle Insulin Syringe with skewed graduation markings

Smiths Medical has become aware of specific models and lots of Jelco® Hypodermic Needle-Pro® Fixed Needle Insulin ...

Celltrion announces positive top-line results from global Phase III trial of regdanvimab (CT-P59), an anti-COVID-19 monoclonal antibody treatment

infected animals was confirmed with a clinical dosage of regdanvimab (CT-P59)1 Incheon, South Korea--(Antara/Business ...

Govt extends micro-scale restrictions till June 28

The Indonesian government has decided to extend micro-scale public activity restrictions (PPKM) by two more weeks, ...