
Collection of deflation news, found 227 news.

RI inflation still manageable

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) Deputy Governor Muliaman D Hadad said the inflation rate, even though its was ...

BPS : May Inflation reaches 0.12 percent

Indonesia`s inflation rate reached 0.12 percent in May 2011 due to a hike in clothing prices , according to the ...

BI predicts deflation in May

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) Governor Darmin Nasution has predicted that deflation would take place this May ...

Deflationary trend still strong : BPS

The deflationary trend this month is still strong due among other things to the low level of the chili price and the ...

BI predicts q2 payments balance to record surplus

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the second-quarter balance of payments will still record a surplus that will ...

RI`s imports hit another record high

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said Indonesia`s imports hit another record high at US$14.48 billion last March ...

RI sees deflation of 0.31% in April

Indonesia saw a deflation rate of 0.31 percent in April due to a drop in the prices of staple foods, the Central ...

BI, govt seriously trying to control inflation

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin Nasution said here Monday the central bank and the government were making serious ...

Govt believes inflation to remain under control

The government believes inflation could be controlled despite the rising world oil prices as a result of political ...

Rupiah`s appreciation had no impact on RI`s competitiveness : BI

The upward trend in the rupiah`s exchange rate at the end of February has not had any impact on Indonesia`s ...

BI decides to keep reference rate at 6.75 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) on Friday decided to maintain its reference rate at 6.75 percent and also its tight monetary ...

News Focus: Govt still undecided on fuel consumption cuts

The government is still undecided on whether to go ahead with its plan to limit subsidized fuel consumption as of ...

Minister: Subsidized oil consumption may exceed quota

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo has warned that consumption of subsidized fuel oils can rise above the quota if the ...

RI`s inflation slows to 0.13 pct in February

Indonesia`s inflation rate slowed to 0.13 percent in February from 0.89 percent a month earlier, the Central ...

January inflation reaches 0.89 percent : BPS

Indonesia`s inflation rate in January reached 0.89 percent , Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) head Rusman Heriawan ...