#deputy minister of energy and mineral resources

Collection of deputy minister of energy and mineral resources news, found 88 news.

Lampung`s floating gas terminal to be operational in 2014

Construction of Lampung`s floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) by Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd is ...

Pertamina offered oil field in Sudan

Indonesia`s state oil and gas company Pertamina has been offered to manage and explore oil and gas fields in Sudan. ...

10 oil contractors suffer US$1.6 billion in losses

A total of 10 oil contractors have suffered from a loss of US$1.65 billion during their operations in Indonesia in the ...

President Yudhoyono appoints Rudi Rubiandini as head of SKK Migas

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has named Rudi Rubiandini, currently deputy minister of energy and mineral ...

Chevron has right to reduce investment: SK Migas

SK Migas, the temporary regulator of the upstream oil and gas sector, has stated that it is up to Chevron to decide ...

Indonesia utilizes only little of abundant renewable energy reserves

Deputy Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources Rubi Rubiandini said Indonesia has in abundance renewable energy ...

Additional subsidized fuel to be included in 2013 budget

Deputy Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources Rudi Rubiandini said additional subsidized fuel of 1.2 million ...

Tangguh LNG refinery plant stops operation for several weeks

The Tangguh Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant, Train II, in West Papua province, has stopped its operation for several ...

Gas produced after contract expiry to be used for domestic needs

After the work contracts of companies producing gas for exports expire, the gas produced will be used to meet domestic ...

Pertamina to be majority shareholder in Mahakam

Deputy minister of energy and mineral resources Rudi Rubiandini assured here on Monday that Pertamina would hold a ...

PLN to rent power plants for Rp5.99 trillion

State-owned electric company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) said it will need to rent power plants with a total ...

80 pct of non-oil revenues used for subsidy

Nearly 80 percent of the revenue obtained from non-oil and non-gas industries is used as government subsidy for fuel ...

Power rates to increase quarterly in 2013

The government will impose a quarterly 4-percent automatic power rate hike beginning January next year in an effort to ...

Test drive of electric bus marks National Technology Awakening Day

Research and Technology Minister Gusti M Hatta test-drove an Indonesian electric bus here on Tuesday to mark the 17th ...

President Yudhoyono swears in new health minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appointed Nafsiah Mboi to replace late Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih as the new health ...