#digital economy forum

Collection of digital economy forum news, found 6 news.

Danantara leaders must demonstrate full commitment to running company

President's Special Advisor on Economics and National Development Bambang Brodjonegoro emphasized that ...

Ministry invites industries to discuss AI use for digital economy

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics invited industries to discuss topics on the utilization of artificial ...

Gov't asks e-commerce sites to add more MSME products

The Communications and Informatics Ministry has asked online marketplaces to feature more domestically made products, ...

Ministry to monitor e-commerce sites not selling local products

The Ministry of Trade will monitor e-commerce sites that do not provide a digital space for showcasing and selling ...

Govt, healthcare actors discuss ways to optimize digital potential

The Communication and Informatics Ministry held discussions with players of the digital healthcare industry to optimize ...

New Report from Internet Society Outlines Steps for Unleashing the Potential of the Internet in S.E. Asia

- The Internet Society (ISOC) and consulting and research firm TRPC today released a report identifying the concrete ...