#disaster handling

Collection of disaster handling news, found 147 news.

Indonesia, Japan to Start New Era of Military Cooperation

Whenever Indonesian and Japanese officials meet, their agenda topics usually concern economic issues, particularly on ...

President calls on all sides to remain on flood alert

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on all elements to remain alert against floods because rainfall was expected ...

Indonesia delivers aid to victims of typhoon bopha

The Indonesian Minister for People`s Welfare, Agung Laksono, arrived in the Philippine southern island of Mindanao on ...

11 Indonesian islamic teachers invited by Japan

Eleven teachers of the Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia are in Japan from November 5 to 16 at the invitation of ...

ASEAN prepare anticipating Aceh quake impact

People`s Welfare Coordinating Minister Agung Laksono said, all ASEAN member countries had been alerted in anticipating ...

Indonesia, Australia key to regional stability: Marty

Indonesia`s Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said Indonesia and Australia are key to stability in the region, in view ...

Rain hampers landslide victim`s evacuation in Bogor

Heavy rain hampered efforts to evacuate a 70-year-old woman, identified as Eweng Fatimah, who was trapped in the ...

Rescuers find two dead victims of Sunken speedboat

The rescue team found on Sunday morning two dead victims of the ill-fated speedboat `Inarissa` which sank in Maluku ...

RI hopes Ban Ki-moon to champion developing countries` interests

Indonesia hopes UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon would keep promoting the interests of developing countries and ...

ASEAN air force chiefs agree to improve regional stability

Air force chiefs of staff of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) agreed to improve regional stability by ...

Mandiri, TNI to cooperate in delivering aid to disaster victims

State-owned Bank Mandiri has signed a cooperation agreement with the National Defense Forces (TNI) for the speedy and ...

Three sinking boat passengers killed in Bengawan Solo river

Search and Rescue (SAR) team found three passengers of a ferryboat which sank in Bengawan Solo river in Padang ...

President Yudhoyono, UNDP chief discuss food resilience

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono discussed global issues, including the food and energy crises with the ...

RI, Singapore to do disaster management simulation exercise

Military personnel from Indonesia and Singapore will cooperate in a disaster management simulation exercise in July ...

ASEAN to consolidate aid provision to Japang

ASEAN member countries plan to consolidate themselves more intensively in the provision of humanitarian assistance ...