
Collection of diseases news, found 1.984 news.

Superior Indonesian soybeans

Soybean is the main raw material used in the manufacture of tempeh and tofu that are widely consumed by Indonesian ...

Indonesia confirms 47 new COVID-19 variant cases came from abroad

Spokesperson for COVID-19 Vaccination of the Indonesian Health Ministry, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, stated that 47 of the ...

Celltrion announces positive top-line results from global Phase III trial of regdanvimab (CT-P59), an anti-COVID-19 monoclonal antibody treatment

infected animals was confirmed with a clinical dosage of regdanvimab (CT-P59)1 Incheon, South Korea--(Antara/Business ...

Long-lasting chlorine dioxide (ClO2) aqueous solution presented by Taiko Pharmaceutical and Kitasato University inactivates over 99.99% of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus)

- - Solution Also Effective against Alpha and Gamma Variants of SARS-CoV-2 - Taiko Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. based in ...

COVID-19 increases risk of death in comorbid children: Study

COVID-19 infection increases the risk of death in children who have comorbidities, according to a study conducted by ...

People with hypertension susceptible to COVID-19: expert

People who suffer from uncontrolled diseases, including hypertension, are vulnerable to COVID-19, according to Badai ...

Indonesia's elderly populace projected to reach 33 million by 2026

The population of elderly people is estimated to rise to 33 million in Indonesia in the next five years, Deputy Health ...

Awareness of risk factors can help catch ovarian cancer early: doctor

Early-stage ovarian cancer is usually discovered by chance, therefore, women need to remain alert about risk factors ...

Respecting ban on exodus contributes to stemming spread of COVID-19

People that complied with the government's appeal to not go on a homecoming exodus and not conduct face-to-face ...

Mary Kay unveils skin health grants, breakthrough retinol research at 2021 Society for Investigative Dermatology Conference

Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skin care innovation, continued its ongoing support of the beauty and scientific ...

Doctor recommends tips for safe vacationing during Eid amid pandemic

Professor of Lung, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI), Tjandra Yoga Aditama highlighted several ...

Beware of calorie-dense foods during Eid to prevent stroke: Doctor

Neurologist at the Islamic General Hospital (RSUI), Dinda Diafiri, advised the public to steer clear from consuming ...

SEASUN BIOMATERIALS supplies on-site COVID-19 rapid molecular diagnostic system to Seoul National University campus

SEASUN BIOMATERIALS (CEO: Park Heekyung), a molecular diagnostic company has made its molecular diagnostic system ...

IDAI yet to recommend face-to-face learning in schools

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) has not yet recommended face-to-face learning at schools in the wake of ...

People with heart disease should maintain diet during fasting

A cardiologist at Semen Padang Hospital, dr. Eka Fithra Elfi Sp advises people with heart disease to regulate and ...