
Collection of domestic news, found 11.277 news.

Industry Ministry to run Saliha app in January 2024

The Industry Ministry plans to start operating its halal industry data collection information system (Saliha) in ...

Aceh police nab three members of Malaysian drug ring

Three members of a Malaysian drug ring were caught in Aceh province and 30 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine stashed ...

Police foil bid to smuggle 5kg drugs into N Kalimantan

The North Kalimantan Water and Air Police (Polairud) foiled a drug trafficker's attempt to smuggle five kilograms ...

Basarnas seeks coordination to meet global SAR operations standards

Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) Air Vice Marshal Kusworo is pursuing coordination with ...

Indonesia's resilience throughout 2023 economic turmoil

Economic recession throughout 2023 became a hot topic and further complicating matters were the Russia-Ukraine war and ...

Realizing Golden Indonesia in 2045 with IKN Nusantara development

Indonesia will celebrate the 79th Anniversary of its independence in August 2024 that will also mark the relocation of ...

Government to maintain electricity tariffs for first quarter of 2024

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry decided that electricity tariffs for the first quarter of 2024 will remain ...

Christmas, New Year holidays can contribute US$7.7 billion: Minister

The momentum of the Christmas and New Year holidays is estimated to generate Rp120 trillion (US$7.7 billion) for the ...

Trade Ministry encourages freight rate subsidy during year-end period

The Ministry of Trade is coordinating with the National Food Agency (Bapanas) and regional governments to encourage the ...

Govt ensures basic goods prices are stable at year-end

The government continues to coordinate with relevant stakeholders to ensure that the prices of basic necessities remain ...

Passenger boom confirms aviation sector's rebound: Indonesian minister

An improvement in the performance of the aviation sector has been proven by an increase in the number of passengers at ...

The first Overseas Chinese Talent Conference for Development commenced in Fuzhou, Fujian Province

 The first Overseas Chinese Talent Conference for Development, co-hosted by All-China Federation of Returned ...

Government holds expo to support local MSME players: minister

The government is organizing the Self-employed Workers (TKM) Expo 2023 with the aim of supporting domestic business ...

Indonesia set to become carbon capture and storage hub: Ministry

Indonesia is set to become a carbon capture and storage (CCS) hub, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and ...

Govt debt still under control: Minister Hartarto

Government debt — which reached Rp8,401 trillion (US$542.8 billion) in November 2023, taking the debt-to-GDP ...