#economic benefits

Collection of economic benefits news, found 346 news.

Planting coral could benefit coastal economies: Minister

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Edhy Prabowo has said that planting a coral or coral reef is equivalent to ...

Government to proceed with priority infrastructure projects

The government will go ahead with the development of priority infrastructure projects despite the state budget ...

News Focus

Post-COVID-19 recovery must pave way to sustainable world

The lingering COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious damage, socially and economically, around the world. As of June ...

COVID-19 economic stimulus must support low-carbon development

The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) emphasized that the ...

Netherlands resolute in facilitating Indonesian tourism development

The Kingdom of the Netherlands has echoed its commitment to assisting the development of Indonesian tourism, ...

Government to create 20-million hectare water conservation area

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has outlined a goal of creating 20 million hectares of water conservation ...

Tour de Singkarak should economically benefit West Sumatrans

Deputy Governor of West Sumatra Nasrul Abit believes that the international cycling race and sports tourism event of ...

Weekend Stories

Startup, home for innovative young people

Startup, a company initiated by individual founders or entrepreneurs to search for a repeatable and scalable business ...

South Sumatra BPBD's five water bombers deployed for fire suppression

South Sumatra's Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has deployed five water bombing helicopters to douse land and ...

GSMA: $212 billion boost to Asia-Pacific GDP at stake at WRC-19

- Innovative 5G services will generate $212bn of economic expansion – 0.8 per cent of GDP growth – in APAC by 2034, ...

Siak police point to economic benefits impelling arsonists

The arsonists, arrested by the police for their alleged involvement in wildfires in Siak District, Riau Province, came ...

Kediri to have international airport: minister

Kediri has been chosen for the construction of an international airport because the district is located in a strategic ...

Indonesian Embassy holds Bamboo Workshop in Panama

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Panama City held an Indonesian Bamboo Workshop from July 23-27, 2019 ...

News Feature

Readiness of Indonesia entering electric vehicle era

The enchantment of Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia is an attraction for people from various regions for all ...

Malaysia, Indonesia's media intensify cooperation: ISWAMI

Malaysian and Indonesian media were able to work together to develop at the regional level and compete with the big ...