#economic observer

Collection of economic observer news, found 114 news.

Fitch raises Indonesia`s debt rating to investment grade

International rating agency Fitch raised Indonesia`s debt rating from "BB" to "BBB-" on Thursday categorizing the ...

BI predicts world economic slowdown to affect RI in 2012

The world`s economic slowdown is estimated to begin affecting Indonesia`s economic growth in 2012 which is projected ...

BI revises down economic growth forecast to below 6.5 pct

Bank Indonesia (BI) has revised down its forecast on the country`s economic growth to below 6.5 percent due to a ...

BI: forex reserves enough to deal with rupiah depreciation

A central bank official said Indonesia has enough foreign exchange reserves to deal with the possibility of rupiah ...

BI optimistic nat`l economy to remain strong in 2012

Bank Indonesia (BI or the central bank) is optimistic the national economy will remain strong in 2012 despite economic ...

ASEAN must seize momentum of world economic power shift

The economic booms experienced by China, India and South Korea during the past years have led them to be recognized ...

news focus: BI rate cut by 50 basis points surprises observers

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank)`s step to lower its benchmark rate by 50 basis points on Thursday was seen by ...

Banks should follow central bank`s rate cut

Bank Indonesia`s step to cut its benchmark interest rate should be followed by the lowering of banks` lending rates so ...

News Focus: more budget expected to remove development bottlenecks

Increased budget on infrastructure is expected to be absorbed effectively to remove the bottlenecks in the ...

Capital expenditure for infrastructure must be used effectively

Economic observer Enny Sri Hartati of Indef said capital expenditure on infrastructures amounting to Rp168.1 ...

US debt downgrade to have little short-term impact on RI

Bank Indonesia (BI) believes the downgrading of the US debt rating will not have a significant effect on Indonesia`s ...

Use foreign capital inflows to stimulate real sector

The government should be able to make use of the foreign capital inflows into the domestic market in order to help ...

RI has greater chance to enjoy high economic growth

Indonesia has a great chance to enjoy high economic growth because various economic problems were still being faced in ...

Govt advised to raise spending to achieve 7 pct growth

The government should increase its budget spendings to achieve an economic growth rate of 6.8-7.0 percent this year, ...

Aceh fair expected to yield Rp1 billion worth of transactions

The ongoing Aceh Fair from May 8-15, 2011 is expected to result in at least Rp1 billion worth of transactions ...