#elderly health

Collection of elderly health news, found 34 news.

RI Govt backs tech-driven research for elderly health

Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology Stella Christie supports the steps in conducting ...


Striving to maintain the productivity of elderly people

Reaching old age is a blessing, as not everyone gets the opportunity to experience it. With increasing life ...

Govt updates Puskesmas guide to keep up with demographic changes

Indonesia's Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the ministry has updated the Puskesmas work guidebook ...

Health ministry takes numerous measures to empower disabled people

The Health Ministry stated that it takes several promotive and preventive measures to help Indonesian children with ...

Govt plans nursing home program for older adults

The Indonesian government will soon roll out a nursing home program to provide special health services to older ...

Ministry prepares programs as RI enters population aging era

Indonesia is currently entering the population aging era, according to the health ministry's director of health ...

News Focus

Caring for aging population with better policies, social awareness

The government commemorated National Elderly Day on May 26 by providing aid to thousands of senior citizens. Aside ...

Elderly empowerment vital in face of aging population: ministry

As national life expectancy increases and the aging population period starts, ensuring a healthy and productive elderly ...

Staying happy can help seniors maintain health: Minister Rismaharini

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini encouraged senior citizens to be happy and to keep smiling, as it will help in ...

Posyandus should serve individuals across age groups: Minister

Officers stationed at integrated health posts (posyandus) should possess the capability of providing proper ...

News Focus

Amino acid in seasoning for better life quality of elderly

- plays a beneficial role in improving the appetite of elderly people despite the negative assumptions surrounding ...

Jakarta holds 2nd booster vaccination campaign until January 27

The Jakarta Health Office is holding a second booster shot or the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine campaign for ...

68.2 million get third COVID-19 dose

The number of people who have received the third or first booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine increased by 19,402 as ...

Use PeduliLindungi app to find booster vaccination centers: Govt

Government spokesperson for COVID-19 handling Reisa Broto Asmoro has asked the community to use the ...

Check older adults' health before second booster vaccination: govt

Government spokesperson for COVID-19 handling, Reisa Broto Asmoro, has asked families to ensure that older adults are ...