
Collection of emission news, found 1.197 news.

Indonesia needs clear policies on nuclear energy development: BRIN

Indonesia’s nuclear energy development plans will need to be supported with the drafting of policies and clear ...

PLN builds 27 EV charging stations in tourist destinations

State-owned electricity company PT PLN has built 27 public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, locally known as ...

Governor highlights carbon emission-reduction efforts to ambassadors

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan informed ambassadors of other countries to Indonesia of the varied efforts made by ...

World needs US$125 trillion to achieve 2050 emissions target:T20

The world needs climate-related investment of US$125 trillion to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, lead co-chair of ...

Tourism sector helps develop green economy through CFPC: Minister

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno affirmed that the tourism sector played a pivotal role in ...

Green investment for youth to create sustainable future for Earth

The youth's contribution to create a more sustainable and livable Earth has become increasingly important in ...

Industry Ministry and NEDO collaborate in electric vehicle development

The Industry Ministry is collaborating with the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), ...

Indonesia bolstering climate change policy through concrete action

The Indonesian Government has continued to take concrete action to strengthen climate change control policies and their ...

Funding worth 25 percent of GDP for renewable economic transition

Indonesia needs funding worth at least 25 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to transition to an economy based ...

Cycling becomes option amid fuel oil price surge: ISSI

Head of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Cycling Federation (PB ISSI) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo encourages ...

Delving into natural gas' future in energy transition program

The Indonesian government has adopted an energy transition program that aligns with the Paris Agreement's goal to ...

B20 ESC Task Force to link performance, SDG targets with policies

The B20 Energy, Sustainability, and Climate (ESC) Task Force has continued to strengthen steps to produce policy ...

Dire need to look for alternative energy sources during transition

The Formula E or Jakarta E-Prix motorsport championship for electric cars is forecast to be the start of a shift from ...

Adopting renewable energy for future of Indonesia's economic growth

Many countries in the world are now competing to apply new and renewable energy (EBT) for their sustainable economic ...

FEELM commits to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

FEELM, the flagship atomization tech brand belonging to SMOORE, today released its “Race to Zero” plan and roadmap ...