Agriculture and food ministers from APEC's 21 member economies have reaffirmed their commitment to an open, ...
The Indonesian government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 41 percent or equivalent to more than ...
Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi has said that directions toward global green recovery is part of a momentum for Indonesia ...
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Friday unveiled a regional action plan (RAP) for combating marine ...
Indonesian Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto highlighted the significance of building the Asia-Pacific Economic ...
Ministers from APEC’s 21 member economies convened to reiterate their commitment to pursue free and open trade ...
Taiwanese technology innovation company ELECLEAN is exploring the market potential for alcohol-free disinfectant ...
COVID-19 has brought persistent challenges of widening inequalities and environmental damage, yet to be addressed ...
APRU partners with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (United Nations ESCAP) ...
- Ahead of the G7 meeting at Biarritz from August 24-26, French President Emmanuel Macron, accompanied by Economy and ...
The Fourth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) adopted five resolutions initiated by Indonesia, ...
- Today marks the launch of Y Analytics, a new, independent organization established to drive increased and more ...
The carcass of a 9.5-meter-long sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) washed ashore the Kapota isle, Wakatobi District, ...
Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Siti Nurbaya, opened the 14th Round Table for Sustainable Consumption and ...
Indonesia used 9.8 billion plastic bags every year, almost 95 percent of it would end up as waste, Environment and ...