#exchange rate

Collection of exchange rate news, found 1.060 news.

Rupiah to be stable at its new equilibrium

The Indonesian rupiah this week hit its new equilibrium in value of Rp15,000 per US dollar which analysts said would ...

rupiah now stable based on market mechanism: bi

The exchange value of the rupiah currency against the US dollar has been stable based on the market mechanism, ...

Rupiah strengthens 22 points on Friday morning

The rupiah strengthened 22 points to Rp15,191 per dollar in the spot market here on Friday morning on the market ...

Rupiah hits new equilibrium at 15,000 per dollar: Observer

The Indonesian currency rupiah has reached a new equilibrium in value at 15,000 per U.S. dollar reflecting the ...

Rupiah regains some of its lost value against US dollar

The country`s currency rupiah regained some of its lost value, trading at the level of 15,175 per US dollar in ...

IMF-WB -- BI voices impact of monetary normalization to fed

Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo voiced the impact experienced by developing countries, including Indonesia, from ...

Indonesia has capacity to boost economic growth: IMF

International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that Indonesia has the capacity to boost its economic growth amid the global ...

IMF-WB - Pertamina secures biggest partnership from investment forum

State-owned oil company PT Pertamina secured the biggest investment worth US$6.5 billion from the Indonesia Investment ...

Indonesian economy is resilient: BI

The Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, stated that the Indonesian economy is stable and resilient, as ...

IMF-WB - Rupiah`s depreciation might be good for investment: IMF

The depreciation of Indonesia`s currency exchange rupiah might be good for investment if it combines with the ...

IMF-WB - Economic downside overshadows global financial stability

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reported that the economic downside indicated by plateauing global growth, ...

Takeover of infrastructure project by private sector also carries risks

Bank Indonesia said takeover by the private sector of most of the massive infrastructure projects will also carry risk ...

Rupiah fall limited on central bank intervention

The movement of the rupiah exchange rate of inter-bank transaction in Jakarta on Monday afternoon again weakened by ...

Rupiah under big pressure: BI

The rupiah exchange rate was facing considerable pressure until finally depreciating, thereby crossing a new ...

Toyota Astra raises car prices on high production costs

PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) has announced it has increased the prices of a number of its Toyota cars effective this ...