#exchange rate

Collection of exchange rate news, found 1.060 news.

President, BI governor discuss government policy

President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo and Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo met here on Tuesday to discuss the ...

IMF team praises Indonesia`s macroeconomic management

A team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has praised the countrys macroeconomic management after visiting ...

Govt to introduce fixed fuel subsidy

The government is planning to introduce a fixed fuel subsidy so that world price fluctuations will not affect the ...

Government optimistic about Indonesian economy in 2015

The government is optimistic about Indonesias economic condition in 2015, believing that it will be better following ...

External factors responsible for rupiah`s fall: Chief minister

External factors were responsible for the depreciation of the countrys currency in the past few weeks, Indonesian ...

Rupiah predicted to remain weak until mid 2015

Economist from Standard Chartered Bank Fauzi Ichsan predicted rupiah will remain weak against the US dollar until mid ...

Rupiah stronger in Jakarta`s Thursday morning trade

The banks in Jakarta traded Indonesias rupiah at Rp12,325 per US dollar on Thursday morning or it regained 13 points ...

Rupiah depreciates due to regional conditions: BI

Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowadojo said here on Wednesday that the Rupiah depreciated because of foreign ...

Rupiah`s rate against US dollar declines on Wednesday

The rate of Indonesias rupiah against the US dollar, traded among banks in Jakarta on Wednesday morning, fell to ...

Volatility of rupiah caused by global economic condition: Minister

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro attributed the volatility of rupiah in the past several weeks to financial ...

Govt to reduce budget deficit to below two percent

The government aims to curtail the deficit in the 2015 revised budget to below two percent of the gross domestic ...

Legislators proceed with attempt to question president

The governments decision to raise the prices of subsidized fuels when the world crude price is on the decline has led ...

Finance minister optimistic 5.8 percent growth achievable

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the country can achieve the 5.8 percent growth target set in the 2015 ...

Bank Indonesia increases BI rate to offset fuel price hike

Reacting to the subsidized fuel price hike, Bank Indonesia decided Tuesday to increase the BI Rate by 25 bps to 7.75 ...

Indonesian govt considered global oil prices to set subsidized fuel prices

The government considered the US dollar exchange rate and international oil prices before increasing the prices of ...