#exchange rate

Collection of exchange rate news, found 1.070 news.

Rupiah appreciates to Rp12,574 against US dollar on Monday

Indonesias rupiah exchange rate strengthened by 56 basis points at the interbank trade on Monday afternoon to Rp12,574 ...

Rupiah appreciates to Rp12,557 against US dollar

Indonesias rupiah exchange rate strengthened by 73 basis points at the interbank trade on Thursday afternoon to ...

Indonesian fuel price may go down in February

The price of subsidized fuel will be cheaper as the Indonesia government planned to reduce the price in February ...

Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves up US$800 million in December

Indonesias foreign exchange reserves rose by US$800 million at the end of December 2014 to US$111.9 billion, the ...

Rupiah strengthens to Rp12,700 against US dollar

Indonesias rupiah exchange rate strengthened by 25 points at the interbank trade on Thursday afternoon to Rp12,700 ...

Indonesian government sets basic fuel prices including that of Pertamax

Effective January 1, 2015, the basic prices of all fuel oils (BBM) will be determined by the government, including ...

Indonesia`s export-import performance will improve in 2015: Banker

Indonesias export-import performance in 2015 is expected to improve as it is believed that the countrys economy will ...

Pertamina hopes to post a 10 to 15% increase in profit in 2015

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina said it hopes to chalk up a 10-15 percent increase in profit in 2015 from ...

Government sets new subsidized fuel prices on new year`s day

The government has determined the new prices for premium and solar diesel fuels that will be effective from January 1, ...

Indonesian government discusses oil subsidy scheme for 2015

The Indonesian government held a limited cabinet meeting here on Wednesday to discuss the oil subsidy scheme in ...

President, BI governor discuss government policy

President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo and Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo met here on Tuesday to discuss the ...

IMF team praises Indonesia`s macroeconomic management

A team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has praised the countrys macroeconomic management after visiting ...

Govt to introduce fixed fuel subsidy

The government is planning to introduce a fixed fuel subsidy so that world price fluctuations will not affect the ...

Government optimistic about Indonesian economy in 2015

The government is optimistic about Indonesias economic condition in 2015, believing that it will be better following ...

External factors responsible for rupiah`s fall: Chief minister

External factors were responsible for the depreciation of the countrys currency in the past few weeks, Indonesian ...