The number of patients suffering from non-communicable diseases has risen due to sedentary lifestyles, Director of ...
The government's program of revitalizing traditional markets has been able to help improve the welfare of traders ...
Presidential Staff Office's (KSP's) Main Expert, Edy Priyono, affirmed that the Pre-Employment Card Program ...
The use of technology, whether in processing, storing, infrastructure, packaging, and/or marketing, can prevent food ...
ÀEnergy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif visited Norway and Iceland from June 13 to 16, 2022, to ...
Indonesia is promoting the use of biofuels for achieving a fair, equitable, and people-centered energy transition, ...
The number of recipients of the Pre-Employment Card Program has, until now, reached 12.8 million since being launched ...
Coastal abrasion led to the collapse of 15 residential houses and other infrastructures, such as a bridge, hotel, and ...
Indonesia stressed its commitment to achieving sustainable development, including by addressing the issue of land ...
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin symbolically handed over assistance under the Santripreneur National Amil Zakat Agency ...
The Indonesian Government continues to carefully check hospital capacity and availability of drugs and oxygen to ...
Biak Numfor District is an archipelagic region in Papua Province that has myriad natural potentials, including in the ...
The Presidential Staff Office fully supports the trial of the standard inpatient class (KRIS) in July 2022, which is ...
The national economy should grow by 5.7 percent annually, so that Indonesia can become a developed nation by 2045, ...
Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate stated that cyberspace must provide benefits to Indonesian ...