
Collection of explanation news, found 504 news.

Dahlan said he was not afraid

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan said that he was not afraid and would tell more names of legislators that have ...

State enterprises minister reveals two legislators` names

State enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan fulfilled his promise on Monday revealing the names of legislators that have ...

Harvard scientists suggest Moon made from Earth

A new theory put forward by Harvard scientists suggests the Moon was once part of the Earth that spun off after a ...

PDIP rejects national security bill over potential human rights violation

The secretary general of the Indonesian Democratic Party Struggle (PDIP), Tjahjo Kumolo, has said his party has ...

Rohingya issue not specially discussed at AIPA meeting

ASEAN parliamentary delegations did not specially discuss the Rohingya in their 33rd ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary ...

US lifts dumping charges against Indonesian paper products

The United States has announced its final decision cancelling anti dumping import duty and countervailing duty on ...

Indonesian Islamic party against imports from Israel

The faction of Islamic-based Development United Party (PPP) criticized the government on entry of Israeli food ...

Minister seeks explanation from Telkom on satellite loss

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan will soon hold a meeting with PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia`s board of directors ...

Minister urges media to shift focus from KPK-police tussle

Coordinating Minister for Political, Security and Legal Affairs Djoko Suyanto, has urged the print, electronic and ...

Olympics: China demanded removal of Taiwan flag - organisers

Olympic organisers said on Thursday that Taiwan`s flag had been taken down from a London display at the request of the ...

Myanmar urged to stop violence against rohingya muslims

The violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar has drawn serious attention from many parties including ASEAN ...

ASEAN demands Myanmar`s explanation on Rohingnya conflict

ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan expects a detailed explanation by the Myanmar government on the bloody conflict ...

Malaysia not to claim Tor-Tor dance as its own?

The Indonesian people have often been upset when Malaysia claims some aspects of their culture as its own, yet the ...

Indonesia seeks Malaysian clarification on tor-tor dance

Indonesia has asked for a written explanation from Malaysia regarding its claim over the traditional Tor-Tor dance and ...

As a Three Year Old is Thrown Off a Plane in the US, Skyscanner Survey Reveals One in Ten Parents Fi

-         Following last week's shocking news that cabin crew demanded a father ...