#extreme poverty

Collection of extreme poverty news, found 617 news.

Social affairs minister urges families to care for elderly

Social Affairs Minister Salim Segaf Al Jufri has called on the community at large to participate in caring for the ...

Ruak sworn in as East Timor`s new president

Former guerrilla leader and ex-army chief Taur Matan Ruak pledged to "respect the constitution" as he was sworn in as ...

RI racing against time to meet MDG targets by andi abdussalam - (d)

Indonesia, one of the 189 countries that declared in 2000 their commitment to achieving eight Millennium Development ...

One billion people still in poverty by 2015 : World Bank

The World Bank has predicted that about one billion people in the world will still be stuck living at an extreme ...

Gates Foundation Commends India's Progress Against Polio

-     One year polio-free anniversary underscores success of comprehensive approach to ...

New Video Introduces 'Asia' - How Environmentalists Betray The Developing World

-     'Disarming The Greens' introduces 'Asia,' a green activist and campaigner for the ...

Bill Gates Calls on G20 Leaders Not to Turn Their Backs on the World's Poor

-      - Report Highlights Role of Innovation in Expanding Development Resources for the ...

Gates Foundation and Partners Mark 2011 World Polio Day

-     On this year's World Polio Day (October 24, 2011), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ...

Asia needs sense of urgency to meet MDG anti-poverty goals

Asia has made the most progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) but a sense of urgency is now needed ...

Asean seeking food security amid surge in global prices

The current global food and energy price hikes have concerned President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as this year`s ASEAN ...

RI strives to reduce maternal mortality rate

As a country with the highest maternal mortality rate in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has been struggling to save more ...

Women need good nutrition

Indonesian women also need good nutrition in order to reduce maternal mortality, Presidential Special Envoy for ...

Britain halts aid to Russia, China, UN agencies

Britain on Tuesday slashed 16 countries including Russia and China from the list of nations it gives financial aid to ...

Infant in C Java dies of malnourishment

A two-year-old infant named Sherilla Kayla, daughter of a couple in Tahunan village, Jepara district, Central Java, ...

Bill Gates Releases Third Annual Letter, Calling for Sustained Foreign Aid to Boost Global Health an

-     Speaking at Historic Roosevelt House, Gates Outlines Why the World Should Prioritize Vaccines and ...