
Collection of faith news, found 595 news.

Habibie combined faith, piety with science, technology: Muhammadiyah

Former President B.J. Habibie was able to combine faith and piety with science and technology in the modern era, ...

News Focus

Habibie, the genius of Indonesia's first aircraft creator

Indonesia's third president Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie passed away on Wednesday at 6.05 p.m. after being in ...

Vice President welcomes Myanmar's inter-religious figures

Vice President Jusuf Kalla welcomed some inter-religious figures from Myanmar at his office in Jakarta, Monday, and ...

News Feature

"Kresek" to "besek", Jakarta's plastic waste reduction effort on Eid

Indonesia comes second to China as the world's biggest plastic waste producer, with disposable plastic bags being ...

Indonesia, Saudi take precautionary measures at Jeddah Airport

The medical team of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are collaborating to provide health promotion and disease prevention ...

Former Indonesian first lady concerns with current situation

Former First Lady Hj Shinta Nuriyah said she was concerned with the current situation in Indonesia, and urged the ...

Al Sudais: targeting Jeddah and Taif is blatant aggression

Sheikh Abdurrahman Al Sudais, Head of the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques, praised Saudi Arabia’s Air ...

Indonesia hails Saudi Crown Prince's message to promote moderate Islam

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's call on promoting moderate Islam received an immediate, warm ...

The Office of the Prosecutor in Cambodia officially filed a criminal

- The Office of the Prosecutor of Phnom Penh in Cambodia against Mr. Nobuyoshi Fujisawa, a director of J Trust Asia ...

News Focus

Lesson Indonesia learned from Sri Lanka, New Zealand

The ISIS has claimed responsibility for Easter Sunday's deadly coordinated suicide bombings on churches and hotels ...

Ex-rector appeals to Indonesia's inter-faith communities to stand firm

Ex-rector of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic University Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, drawing reference to the ghastly ...

PBNU despises bombings targeting Sri Lanka

PBNU, the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, called the bombing tragedy ...

Pancasila does not contradict Islam: Ma'ruf Amin

Ma'ruf Amin pair. "I appeal to you all because I am appointed by Mr.Jokowi to become his running ...

News Focus - Tragedy in New Zealand is hatred against Muslims

The Central Leadership of the Ansor Youth Movement said the shootings in New Zealand are to be seen as a form ...

International Child Celebrity, Emiliano Cyrus aged 10 appointed as the Republic of Palau's Honorary Goodwill Ambassador for Tourism by President of The Republic of Palau, Tommy Remengesau

- 10-year old International Child Celebrity, Emiliano Cyrus is a Singapore-born Chinese-Portuguese who was recently ...