
Collection of farms news, found 335 news.

Twenty five million people depend on Citarum River

The lives of nearly 25 million people are indirectly dependent on the Citarum River, the West Java governor, Ahmad ...

Government urged to take steps toward self sufficiency in beef

A member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) Anang Prihantoro urges the Agriculture Ministry to take ...

Marauding elephants kill one person, destroy crops in North Tanzania

Three herds of elephants from the Serengeti National Park in northern Tanzania have invaded several villages near the ...

Kubota, NTT and NTT Communications to develop ICT solutions for agriculture and water infrastructure

- Kubota Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and NTT Communications ...

Group Lease PCL and J Trust join forces, expanding digital finance to Indonesia

SET-listed Group Lease PCL ("GL", SET:GL), the pioneer of Digital Finance in ASEAN, has formed a solid alliance with ...

Bantul continues to develop tourist villages

Bantul district in Yogyakarta is endowed with beautiful natural scenery and wide range of interesting tourist villages ...

Rizal Ramli offers public transportation projects to Italy

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli, in a meeting with Italian Ambassador to Indonesia Vittorio ...

Jokowi to discuss settlement of Indonesian assets in Timor Leste

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during his state visit to Timor Leste on Tuesday is expected to discuss the settlement ...

Transmigration less popular among youths: Minister Jafar

Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Minister Marwan Jafar admitted that the transmigration program is ...

21st COP encourages use of renewable energy

The ongoing 21st Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework of Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in ...

WFD attacks shrimp farms in Kulon Progo

The Maritime, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry office of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, said white feces disease (WFD) has ...

The Next Dent in the Universe – An Energy and Agricultural Revolution

- The next dent in the universe is the marriage between energy and agriculture, where the world's energy, clean water, ...

American Farmland Company Prices Initial Public Offering

- American Farmland Company (the “Company”), today announced the pricing of its initial public ...

BKPM`s investment project absorbing nearly 10,000 workers

Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has stated that the first phase of the investment project, now entering ...

JA Solar Released New Double-glass Modules

- JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: JASO) (JA Solar), one of the world's largest manufacturers of high-performance ...