
Collection of father news, found 829 news.

Weekend Stories

Smartphone alters news consumption behavior among generations

Every morning, before leaving for school, Komarudin, also called Komar, a resident of the Kemayoran area, Central ...

Former finance minister J. B. Sumarlin passes away

J. B. Sumarlin, Indonesia's former finance minister for the 1988-1993 term, breathed his last at the age of 87 at ...

199 children of Indonesia-China intermarriages own dual nationality

The Embassy of Indonesia in Beijing, China, has recorded 199 children born in intermarriages between Indonesians and ...

BNPB disburses Rp500 million in aid for Sigi flood victims

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has dispatched funding of Rp500 million as aid for victims of a flash ...

ACT team stationed to assist Sigi flash flood victims

ACT arrived at the location to help residents clear up the debris and conducted assessment before providing ...

Laksmi Pamuntjak releases third novel

Laksmi Pamuntjak, a prominent Indonesian author, released her third novel, 'Fall Baby', presenting a ...

SEA Games: Indonesia collects 12 golds, ranks fourth

Indonesia's national team has temporarily collected at least 12 gold medals, 20 silver medals, and 18 bronze medals ...

Banyuasin district official's son named suspect in drug case

The police in Banyuasin District, South Sumatra Province, have named Sigit Tri, the son of the district's deputy ...

Muhammadiyah's leading scholar and former leader passes away

Former Muhammadiyah leader Bahtiar Effendy passed away at the Cempaka Putih Jakarta Islamic Hospital on early Thursday, ...

President Jokowi's family welcomes baby girl

President Joko Widodo's family welcomed into the family a baby girl from Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is the ...

Prabowo Subianto receives courtesy call from Malaysian Ambassador

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto received a courtesy call from Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia Dato Zaenal Abidin ...

Weekend Stories

Reviving the legacy of Sabeni, the Betawi fighter

Sabeni can solely be identified through a black-and-white portrait painting, bearing Sabeni bin Channam 1860-1945, ...

Weekend Stories

Haji Darip from Klender, a forgotten warlord

November 10 became one of the historic days for Indonesians since Heroes' Day is celebrated and constantly reminds ...

Zynga and Alec Baldwin preview creative collaboration celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Words With Friends

- Today, Zynga Inc. (Nasdaq: ZNGA), a global leader in interactive entertainment, announced details of its creative ...

Jokowi's eldest son to contest for Surakarta mayor

President Joko Widodo's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, is determined to contest the election for the post of ...