#fisheries ministry

Collection of fisheries ministry news, found 623 news.

Fisheries Ministry designates two marine conservation areas

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has designated two marine conservation areas in the provinces of West Java ...

Ensuring fisheries stocks safe for year-end celebration: ministry

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has said it is ensuring that fish stocks, which are estimated to reach 2.49 ...

Ministry backs sustainable seafood campaign to meet future food needs

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry pushed for a sustainable seafood campaign to support the increasing demand ...

Fisheries Ministry. FAO to conduct sustainable management of eels

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry collaborates with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in sustainable ...

Ministry encourages use of marine biota in biopharmaceutical industry

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has encouraged the utilization of various Indonesian marine biota to be ...

Nursery to be built support forest rehabilitation in W Kalimantan

The Environment and Forestry Ministry will build a vast nursery to expedite the rehabilitation of forests and land in ...

Fishery Ministry detained 166 illegal fishing vessels in 2021

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries detained up to 166 illegal fishing vessels in 2021 to balance economic ...

Indonesia drafting regulation on utilization of sunken ships

The Indonesian government is drafting a regulation on the retrieval of valuable objects from sunken ships (BMKT) and ...

Continental Shelf Bill could strengthen Indonesia's stance: ministry

The Continental Shelf Bill could strengthen Indonesia’s stance on the issue, Acting Director General of Marine ...

Maritime Minister inaugurates monitoring ship of Sawu National Park

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono inaugurated the monitoring ship of the Center of National ...

Ministry underlines need for banning illegal ornamental coral trade

Illegal trade in ornamental coral should be eliminated as it is not consistent with the government's blue economy ...

Setting example for sustainable fishing practices

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has been unrelenting in its mission to encourage Indonesians to eat more ...

Companies should build nursery centers for enviro restoration: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) confirmed he would coax private firms to partake in the efforts to reduce land damage ...

Govt encouraging human resources development in metal industry

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment has said it is supporting the development of human ...

Ministry mass-producing hybrid pomfret seeds

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, through the Batam Marine Aquaculture Center, has made a breakthrough in ...