
Collection of forkopimda news, found 158 news.

Vice President meets with ulemas, observes vaccination drive in Aceh

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin on Tuesday held a meeting with some esteemed Acehnese ulemas at the Dayah Mahyal Ulum ...

BNPB rolls out Mask Car Movement ahead of WSBK

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) on Thursday launched the Mask Car Movement to strengthen the ...

Surabaya street gets murals to draw tourists

The Surabaya city government has been beautifying the iconic Tunjungan Street, Surabaya, East Java, with murals related ...

Regional apparatuses urged to support COVID-19 vaccination: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged all institutions in regional administrations, and the Regional Leadership ...

President to observe mangrove planting, G20 Summit venues in Bali

President Joko Widodo, accompanied by First Lady Iriana, visited Bali on Oct 8 to observe mangrove planting and venues ...

Military chief awards Bali Governor for PPKM success

Bali Governor I Wayan Koster received a token of appreciation from Chief of the National Defense Forces (TNI) Marshal ...

Minister Hartarto reviews vaccinations at Ambon city

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto reviewed a vaccination center at the Merdeka Square ...

DPR Speaker urges Papua traditional leaders to push vaccinations

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR RI), Puan Maharani, has urged Papuan traditional leaders to help the ...

Malang Forkopimda launches drive-thru vaccination car

The Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Greater Malang launched a car that will provide drive-thru ...

PON XX opens in Merauke with Wushu

The XX Papua National Games (PON) opened at Merauke on Wednesday morning with the Wushu competition, the local ...

Jokowi urges ministers to support steel and iron industries

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on ministers to continue to support the steel and iron industry and the ...

President Jokowi to review COVID-19 vaccinations in Aceh, N Sumatra

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will review COVID-19 vaccinations for the public and give instructions to the Regional ...

President Jokowi urges Yogyakarta governor to expedite vaccination

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X to speed up the COVID-19 ...

COVID-19 vaccination expedited in four clusters of PON in Papua

The government is expediting the vaccination program in four clusters of the National Games (PON) XX and National Para ...

2020 PON likely to be held without spectators

The 2020 National Sports Week (PON) XX which is scheduled for October 2-15, 2021 in Papua province will likely be held ...