
Collection of formation news, found 1.345 news.

UI alumni must form coalition, assist in policy-making: MPR

Deputy chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Arsul Sani has sought the formation of a coalition of ...

National Family Day reminder for parents to lead by example: official

The National Family Day on June 29 serves as a reminder that parents must set a good example for their children so that ...

Integrated assessment team to be involved in Narcotics Law revision

The National Narcotics Agency has sought more involvement of the integrated assessment team in the revision of the ...

Eels can be a health supplement and medicine to heal wounds: Professor

Professor of Pharmacy at Andalas University (Unand) Padang, Prof. Febriyenti, has said that eels, or monopterus albus, ...

Social Affairs Ministry readies assistance for Bertam Island residents

The Ministry of Social Affairs is preparing assistance specifically focused on education, waste management, and ...

Hope personal data protection bill deliberations to end soon: minister

Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate has expressed the hope that deliberations on the personal data ...

Agriculture minister ensures beef supply safe ahead of Eid al-Adha

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has ensured that the beef supply is safe to meet the community's needs ...

Bolstering community crucial in supporting marine preservation: BRIN

Strengthening the maritime culture and community became an important capital for Indonesians in supporting the ...

Tangerang to dispatch 100 doctors for health monitoring of livestock

The Tangerang district government has involved hundreds of doctors in monitoring and anticipating the spread of foot ...

Farmers' body seeks formation of FMD task force

Chairman of the Indonesian Farmers’ Association (HKTI), Fadli Zon, has urged the government to form a task force ...

BNN destroys five-hectare marijuana farm in Gayo Lues Aceh

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) destroyed a five-hectare plot of ready-to-harvest marijuana farm in the Leuser ...

BNN, Customs bust drug smuggling rackets in Medan, Denpasar

The Bali Provincial Narcotics Agency (BNNP) and the Finance Ministry have busted drug distribution networks in Medan ...

National education system bill still in planning stage: Ministry

Creation process of the national education system bill (RUU Sisdiknas) is still currently in the planning stage, as the ...

East Java: Governor asks regions to form FMD task force

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has asked regional heads in the province to promptly form task forces for ...

GOTO’s gross revenue increased by 53%, GTV grew 46% in 1Q22

Jakarta (ANTARA) – PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (IDX: GOTO, "GoTo Group” or the "Company”), the largest digital ...