#fuel price

Collection of fuel price news, found 508 news.

2015 Indonesia inflation can potentially drop below 5%

Indonesias inflation rate this year has the potential to fall short of the government-set target of 5 percent, Deputy ...

Indonesian govt urged to be cautious in deciding fuel prices

Chairman of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan asked the government to be careful in deciding the ...

Fuel price increase can affect inflation

The fluctuation of fuel prices can have impact on the inflation rate in April 2015, said Distribution Statistics ...

Questions on fuel prices should be posed to minister: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said any questions about an increase in the prices of premium gasoline should be posed ...

RI`s economy grew 5.02 percent in 2014

The Indonesian economy grew at a slower pace at 5.02 percent in 2014, according to the Central Statistics Agency ...

Trade ministry takes four steps to stabilize basic commodity prices

Indonesian Trade Ministry is taking four concrete steps to return basic commodity prices to an ideal level in the wake ...

Indonesian fuel price may go down in February

The price of subsidized fuel will be cheaper as the Indonesia government planned to reduce the price in February ...

Fuel price: VP urges transportation businesses to adjust service charge

Vice-President Jusuf Kalla has urged transportation businesses to adjust their service charges following the ...

Indonesian inflation in 2014 down slightly to 8.36%

Indonesia succeeded in controlling its inflation down to 8.36 percent in 2014 despite recent cut in subsidies on ...

IMF team praises Indonesia`s macroeconomic management

A team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has praised the countrys macroeconomic management after visiting ...

Central bank and OJK need to convince the market

Bank Indonesia and the Financial Service Authority (OJK) need to coordinate intensively to convince the market that ...

Jakarta raises non-economy transportation fares by Rp1,500

The Transportation Office of the Jakarta Provincial Administration and public transportation operators have officially ...

Rupiah stronger in Jakarta`s Thursday morning trade

The banks in Jakarta traded Indonesias rupiah at Rp12,325 per US dollar on Thursday morning or it regained 13 points ...

Pertamax consumption up by 137 percent after fuel price hikes

Consumption of non-subsidized gasoline pertamax has increased by some 137 percent since the subsidized fuel price ...

BI to help curb 2014 inflation at 7.7 percent

The countrys central bank, Bank Indonesia (BI) announced its plan to curb inflation in 2014 at 7.7 percent or at the ...