
Collection of gdp news, found 2.225 news.

Sustaining growth a delicate balancing act: APEC

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) region aims to stay the course amid a challenging global environment and ...

APEC to generate additional jobs across Asia-Pacific through tourism

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has endeavored to generate several million additional jobs across the ...

Indonesia's first-quarter current account deficit in 2019 shrinks: BI

Indonesia's current account deficit narrowed to US$7 billion in the first quarter (Q1) of 2019, thereby making its ...

Rupiah correction occurs early this week as Asian currencies tumble

A correction again occurred in the exchange rate of the rupiah traded at the Jakarta interbank market earlier this week ...

Government to focus on human resource development in 2020

The government is making efforts to improve the quality of human resources in its working plan for 2020, the National ...

VinaPhone selects KoolSpan to power ProCall secure communications solution

- VinaPhone (http://vinaphone.com.vn), the leading provider of advanced telecommunications technologies and services to ...

Pacific Exposition to open market access for Indonesia, Pacific region

The Pacific Exposition trade, investment and tourism exhibition initiated by the Indonesian government is aimed at ...

Processing industry props up economic growth in Q1 2019: BPS

The positive growth of the processing industry during the first quarter of 2019 has propped up the country's ...

Nasution points to 2019 first-quarter growth pattern resembling 2018

Coordinating Economic Affairs Minister Darmin Nasution was quick to highlight a resemblance between the pattern of ...

Rupiah weakens on lower-than-expected first-quarter economic growth

The Indonesian rupiah weakened against the US dollar on the interbank Jakarta spot market on Monday evening with a ...

Imperial Pacific Seizes Opportunity on US Saipan to Create an 'Ocean Miracle'

Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, a commonwealth of the United States in the western Pacific, ...


Taiwan helping other countries achieve universal health coverage

*Shih-Chung Chen is the Taiwan minister of health and welfare This year marks the 24th anniversary of Taiwan’s ...

JCR's revised outlook of Indonesia indicates solid economic growth: BI

The Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd (JCR's) revised outlook on Indonesia's rating symbolized its solid economic ...

Rupiah weakens to close to Rp14,200 per dollar over weekend

The rupiah continued to weaken over the weekend, falling to close to Rp 14,200 per the United States dollar on the ...

R&I affirms Indonesia's sovereign credit rating is stable

Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) has affirmed Indonesia’s Sovereign Credit Rating at BBB has a ...