
Collection of generators news, found 339 news.

Yemen security forces kill 26 protesters: medics

Yemeni security forces opened fire on anti-regime demonstrators in Sanaa on Sunday, killing at least 26 and wounding ...

Poland provides US$25,000 grant for E.Nusa Tenggara

The Polish government has provided a US$25,000 grant for the improvement of public health and other services in East ...

Radical shiite cleric urges Iraqi government to reform or face protests

Radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al- Sadr Monday warned the Iraqi government to carry out reforms as " the last chance" ...

Thousands join free `mudik` travel programs

While the tickets of various modes of transpiration are now difficult to obtain for `mudik` (home-bound trips), tens ...

Hatta sees off 5,000 Idul Fitri travelers

General Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Hatta Rajasa bode farewell on Tuesday to 5,000 Idul Fitri ...

Cepu gas field set to be in production in 2015

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina has targeted that the Cepu Gas Block in the border area between East Java ...

Car bomb at Kirkuk church wound 15: police

Fifteen people were wounded on Tuesday by a car bomb targeting a Syrian Orthodox church in Kirkuk in northern Iraq, a ...

Pertamina conducts maiden lubricant export to Korea

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina has conducted a maiden export of lubricating oil totaling three containers for ...

Babel may host RI`s first nuke power plants

Forced by strong opposition from the local population, the government has decided to postpone building a nuclear ...

President receives open letter from UNTWO

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono received an Open Letter from the secretary general of the United Nations World ...

Nuclear plants will be closed permanently if big quake hits: Taiwan

Taiwan`s three existing nuclear power plants will be put to rest permanently in the event of a major natural ...

Tornadoes swipe Missouri, close St. Louis airport

Tornadoes and high winds tore through the midwestern US state of Missouri, leaving a swath of destruction that badly ...

PLN objects to World Bank`s review

The state-run power company PT PLN objected to the World Bank`s review and assessment on its low reliability of power ...

Robotic smart bird flies like real gull

A German company has developed a gull which can fly like real gulls. Smart Bird, which uses a compact 135 brushless ...

Thailand to send 2 generators to Japan

Thailand`s main electricity producer has agreed to send two electrical generators to Japan to ease the power shortage ...