#government institutions

Collection of government institutions news, found 551 news.

Indonesia`s budget deficit falls to Rp55.1 trillion as of April

Indonesia`s budget deficit fell to Rp55.1 trillion as of April 2018 from Rp72.2 trillion a year earlier, the Finance ...

President revises national action plan for human rights

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed a presidential regulation amending presidential regulation number 75 of 2015 ...

Indonesia`s budget deficit reaches Rp48.9 trillion as of late February

Indonesia`s budget deficit reached Rp48.9 trillion or 0.33 percent of the national gross domestic product (GDP) as of ...

State budget grows positively in january: Finance minister

The realization of the state budget showed a positive trend in January 2018 as was reflected by the improving ...

Two Indonesians held hostage by Abu Sayyaf return home

Two Indonesian fishermen held captive by the Abu Sayyaf group in Sulu, South Philippines, have been returned to their ...

Cybersecurity crucial for indonesia: Wiranto

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Wiranto has expressed his appreciation that Indonesia ...

President installs Djoko Setiadi as cybersecurity agency chief

President Joko Widodo installed Major General of the Indonesian Army Djoko Setiadi as head of the National Cyber and ...

Bitcoin, risk or uncertainty?

Forget a while about a safe and stable investment, now some people worldwide are more attracted to trade and invest a ...

Banten coastline prone to drug smuggling

In spite of the heavy penalty imposed by the government of Indonesia, notably capital punishment to fight drug ...

Axalta focuses on waterborne coatings for sustainable future at the National Polymer Symposium XI in Jakarta, Indonesia

- Axalta Coating Systems (NYSE:AXTA), a leading global supplier of liquid and powder coatings, was recently invited to ...

Niger invites Wika to carry out infrastructure projects

The government of the Republic of Niger is exploring cooperation with state-owned construction company PT Wijaya Karya ...

DPR agrees on government spending at Rp1,454.5 trillion

The Budget Committee of the House of Representatives (DPR) has agreed on the central governments spending in the draft ...

President calls against recurrence of history of PKI cruelty

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called against recurrence of the dark history of PKI (former Indonesia Communist Party) ...

Government assures safety of Bali tourists

The Indonesian government has assured that Bali remains safe for tourists, although the alert status for Mount Agung ...

Jokowi expects government to operate licensing center early next year

President Joko Widodo expected the government to operate a licensing service center by early next year. "Early ...