#health workers

Collection of health workers news, found 1.357 news.

Women's role crucial in expediting economic recovery during pandemic

House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Puan Maharani has said that the role of women is central in speeding up health ...

10,045,575 Indonesians have been vaccinated against COVID-19

A total of 10,045,575 people have participated in the COVID-19 vaccination carried out by the Indonesian government, ...

Other cities should emulate Medan's drive-through vaccination model

Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo has suggested that other Indonesian cities adopt the drive-through vaccination ...

Medan city govt secures 60,000 vaccine doses for senior citizens

The Medan city government has secured 60 thousand doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for senior citizens and their ...

8,838,081 people vaccinated against COVID-19 so far: task force

As of Monday, a total of 8,838,081 people have been administered the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia, according to the ...

700 vaccine doses secured for West Papua's Teluk Wondama teachers

The Teluk Wondama district administration in West Papua Province has secured 700 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for ...

East Java gets first drive-through COVID-19 vaccination facility

East Java’s first drive-through COVID-19 vaccination service was launched for senior citizens in Surabaya ...

Government to abolish long holidays for 2021 Eid

The government has decided to do away with the long holidays for the 2021 Eid homecoming trip to ensure the optimal ...

News Focus

Indonesia set to forge forward in TB handling amid COVID-19 pandemic

Several nations observed Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24 in a somber, concerned manner, as the fight against TB, one ...

Follow health protocols even after inoculation, minister urges public

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin has appealed to the public to continue observing health protocols even after ...

2021 challenges all to expedite economic recovery: minister

- continue to work together, not only to restore the economy but also to make the national economy ...

COVID-19 vaccinations reach 5,978,251 mark: task force

As many as 5,978,251 Indonesians, comprising health workers, public service officials, and the elderly, have been ...

Social minister lauds humanitarian fighters for year of handling COVID

Social Minister Tri Rismaharini thanked health workers and volunteers endeavoring to tackle COVID-19 for a year during ...

COVID-19 pandemic impedes efforts to control tuberculosis

Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI), Prof. Tjandra Yoga ...

Local governments should expedite COVID-19 vaccination: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged the local governments to speed up the COVID-19 vaccination process and increase ...