#healthcare and social security

Collection of healthcare and social security news, found 158 news.

Health challenge in 72nd year of independence

The challenge of the health sector in the 72nd year of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia is to unite and ...

Manado city government to launch web-based health service

The Manado city government will soon launch a web-based primary health service program that will be integrated through ...

Tobacco consumption epidemic reaches alarming level

The epidemic of tobacco consumption has reached an alarming level in Indonesia, where more than one-third of the ...

Govt finances JKN premium contribution for 92.4 million citizens

The government has paid the National Health Insurance (JKN) premiums for 92.4 million low-income people as part of ...

Conjoined twins successfully separated in Bandung hospital

A team of surgeons of the Hasan Sadikin Public Hospital (RSUP) successfully separated a pair of conjoined twins in a ...

Health minister urges private hospitals to improve quality

Health Minister Nila F Moeloek urged private hospitals to improve the quality and competence of their human resources ...

President hands out three social cards in Sleman

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) distributed three social cards: the Indonesian Health Card (KIS), Indonesian ...

Mandiri shareholders accept plan to acquire 80% stake in inhealth

Bank Mandiri shareholders have agreed to the state lenders plan to acquire an 80 percent stake in PT Asuransi Jiwa ...