
Collection of historian news, found 68 news.

Some 400 world historians to meet in Solo

Some 400 historians from all over the world will gather in the Central Java city of Solo on July 2-6 for the 22nd ...

Violent cases in Indonesia to finish in two years

A senior historian from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) predicts that the violence that has taken place in ...

Dutch historian seeking answer to Tan Malaka grave mystery

A Dutch historian and researcher is waiting for the result of a DNA test on the remains of a man buried on a hill in ...

President awards hero titles ahead of heroes` day commemoration

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono awarded hero titles to several national figures for their great contributions to ...

KPK chief corroborates with Lord Acton`s adagium on corruption

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men," according to ...

Rosihan Anwar, true journalist

Rosihan Anwar who passed away on Thursday (April 14) is seen by many people, particularly his colleagues, as a true ...

Alwi Shihab: Rosihan dared to voice the truth

Former foreign affairs minister Alwi Shihab said he considered Rosihan Anwar as a journalist who dared to voice the ...

Rosihan Anwar`s remains seen off at Military ceremony

The remains of Rosihan Anwar (89) will be seen off at a military ceremony from his house at Jalan Surabaya No. 13, ...