
Collection of hiv news, found 336 news.

WHO appreciates Papua KPA for taking part in socializing prepex

The World Health Organization (WHO) expressed appreciation to the Papuas HIV/AIDS Eradication Commission (KPA) for ...

Expanding red fruit crops in Papua

The Papua provincial government has made every effort to expand the crops of red fruit tree, found very effective for ...

Prince Harry, Rihanna take HIV tests on World Aids Day

Britains Prince Harry and international popstar Rihanna took HIV tests on Thursday as part of a World Aids Day ...

Five toddlers live with HIV in Yogyakarta

Five toddlers in Yogyakarta are living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus transmitted from their mothers during ...

Health minister promotes voluntary HIV test on World AIDS Day

Indonesias Health Minister Nila F Moeloek has promoted the voluntary HIV test for public during the commemoration of ...

Over 43 thousand AIDS carriers die in 2016

A total of 43,095 AIDS carriers are expected to die in 2016, up almost 100 percent compared to those in 2011, Pattrick ...

Yogyakarta health office provides VCT to detect HIV/AIDS

Yogyakarta Health Office continues to provide Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services at hospitals and ...

23 pregnant women in W Java`s Sukabumi infected with HIV

At least 23 pregnant women in the West Java city of Sukabumi have been infected with HIV as of September 2016, ...

Saving Indonesia`s future from the drug menace

The National Narcotic Agency has taken a 16-year-old teenager into custody for possession of 256.80 grams of ...

Papua`s biodiversity going international

The International Conference of Biodiversity in Jayapura, Papua, in September 2016 will highlight the existence of a ...

Luhut warns Papuans of fatal threat of narcotics and HIV/AIDS

Coordinating Minister for Law, Security and Political Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan warned the West Papua people of the ...

Australian Muslim exploring Indoinesia

A delegation of five young Australian Muslims are travelling around Java to experience firsthand Indonesias religious ...

Women in Papua ask government to close houses of prostitution

Women of the city of Sorong in Papua Barat ask the city administration to close houses of prostitution especially in ...

Many Batam parents refuse polio vaccine for their children

Many parents in the industrialized island of Batam have refused to get their children under the age of five vaccinated ...

Japan offers human security aid to Indonesia

The Japanese government has approved a human security aid grant valued at 86.84 million Yen for several regions of ...