#hizbut tahrir

Collection of hizbut tahrir news, found 50 news.

HTI Cirebon rallies against subsidized fuel use cutting plan

Hundreds of people carrying the symbols of Muslim organization Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) gathered outside the ...

Hundreds in Medan protest subsidized fuel use cutting plan

Hundreds of members of Muslim organization Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) staged a rally at Majestic traffic circle ...

Coup plot foiled in Bangladesh, says army

The Bangladesh army said Thursday it had foiled a plot last month by some "religiously fanatic" serving officers to ...

HTI again says "no" to Obama visit

A year ago, Barack Obama as the US president, made his first visit to Indonesia which he described as "pulang kampung" ...

HTI rejects obama`s planned participation in ASEAN summit

Some 1,000 members of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI)`s chapter in West Java staged a rally outside Gedung Sate here ...