#humanitarian assistance

Collection of humanitarian assistance news, found 470 news.

RI, US continue to step up cooperation in various fields

Positive relations between Indonesia and the United States have advanced since the election of President Susilo ...

US to provide 90 million dollars for RI`s basic education

The United States (US) through its Agency for International Development (USAID) will allocate 90 million US dollars to ...

EU calls for broad-based reconciliation in Libya

The European Union urged Libya`s interim rulers on Thursday to push for a broad-based reconciliation in the country ...

US defense minister to meet asean counterparts

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is scheduled to meet with counterparts from the ten ASEAN countries informally in ...

ASEAN members express sympathy to disaster victims

ASEAN member states have expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the governments and peoples of Southeast ...

ASEAN members express sympathy to disaster victims

ASEAN member states have expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the governments and peoples of Southeast ...

ASEAN expresses condolence for loss of lives in flood disaster

ASEAN member states have expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the governments and peoples of Southeast ...

ASEAN agriculture, forestry moving towards 2015, beyond

As ASEAN moves toward the realization of the ASEAN Community in 2015, and achieving the Millennium Development Goals, ...

FM calls int`l community to emphasize on safety cooperation for nuclear utilization

The world`s balanced concern between the need of energy and the safety of nuclear utilization required serious ...

ASEAN-UEcooperation in humanitarian and crisis response

Secretary-General of ASEAN Surin Pitsuwan and European Union Commissioner for International Cooperation on ...

OIC condemns UN report on Israel`s flotilla raid

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation condemned Sunday a leaked UN report which it said "whitewashes" Israel`s ...

PMI prepares 2 choppers to anticipate accidents

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) has prepared two helicopters and 300 ambulances to anticipate accidents and natural ...

Pmi Raises Funds For Somalia

As a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) ...

Australia supports continuing U.S. presence in Asia-Pacific region

Australia supports the continuing U.S. presence in Asia-Pacific region as a cornerstone of regional stability, ...

RI to host international SAR advisory group meeting in Kuta

Indonesia, represented by the National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS), is to host an International Search And ...