#hydro power

Collection of hydro power news, found 146 news.

RI overnment to increase fish production in W. Sulawesi

The central government through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry will make every effort to help increase ...

British minister calls on C Kalimantan people to preserve forests

The visiting United Kingdom`s environment minister, Jim Paice, here Friday called on the Central Kalimantan people ...

Lebong allocates Rp2 billion for building power plant

The national program of independent community empowerment (PPNPM) within villages in Lebong regency, Bengkulu, ...

Govt allocates rp20 trillion for Aceh

Aceh province has received Rp20 trillion in development funds from the central government to expand and accelerate ...

Babel may host RI`s first nuke power plants

Forced by strong opposition from the local population, the government has decided to postpone building a nuclear ...

Myanmar state media blames rebels for clashes

Myanmar state media on Saturday accused ethnic minority rebels of starting deadly fighting near the Chinese border as ...

INCO to build nickel factory in Bahodopi, C Sulawesi

PT Inco (Tbk) will realize its commitment to build a nickel processing plant in Bahodopi, Morowali district, Central ...

US strengthens commitment to renewable energy partnership with RI

The United States government has strengthened its commitment to a renewable energy partnership with Indonesia, ...

Papua`s University striving to produce renewable-energy-conscious graduates B

Cendrawasih University (locally known as Uncen) , particularly the Faculty of Engineering, has been intensifying a ...

RI in no hurry to build nuclear power plant

The leaking of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following the powerful earthquake in Japan last March 2011 ...

Experts advise against building nuke power plants in RI

A number of experts at a seminar on the welfare and safety aspects of nuclear power plants have advised against ...

Food security great challenge for ASEAN

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has said that food security will be a great challenge for ASEAN, therefore clear ...

President calls on Asean to prepare food security program

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on ASEAN member countries to prioritize food security programs for the ...

Jusuf Kala invests Rp4 trillion in PLTA Kerinci

Jusuf Kala, owner and president commissioner of PT Bukaka said he will invest Rp4 trillion in a hydro power ...

RI, China sign 21 MoUs during PM Wen Jiabao`s visit

Indonesia and China have signed 21 memoranda of understanding (MoU) during the last three days of the visit to ...