#hydro power

Collection of hydro power news, found 146 news.

Artificial rain demand increasing

The Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) receives increasing demand of artificial ...

Artificial rain demand increasing

The Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) receives increasing demand of artificial ...

Japanese companies want to invest in North Sumatra

A group of Japanese business leaders has visited North Sumatra to study business opportunities in that province. ...

Alstom Will Deliver Equipment for the 1,200 MW Lai Chau Hydro Power Plant in Vietnam

-A contract worth over 60 million euro for Alstom     Alstom and its consortium partner, Hydrochina ...

W Sulawesi to build seven micro-hydro power plants

The West Sulawesi provincial government will build seven micro-hydro power plants worth Rp17,5 billion, governor Anwar ...

Indonesia offers incentives for investors in energy fields

Indonesia has offered special incentives to investors wishing to invest in the energy field in the country. "I ...

Corruption case involving power plant investigated

The North Sumatra High Prosecution Office is investigating alleged corruption involving the management of a unit of ...

Indonesia govt expects MCC funds to be disbursed gradually starting in 2013

The government expects US$600 million in funds under the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) program can be ...

Semen Gresik to build cement factory in Papua

State cement maker PT Semen Gresik Tbk (SMGR) will build a cement factory in Wamena next year to support economic ...

Indonesia 's PIP allocates Rp1.8 trillion for geothermal investment

Government investment agency Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP) has allocated around US$192 million for investment in ...

Nine people killed by falling trees in Aceh

The Search and Rescue team of the Regional Disaster Management Agency has been unable to evacuate the remains of nine ...

Govt to build 7,000 mw capacity hydro power plants

The government plans to build hydro power plants with a combined capacity of 7,000 megawatts in several parts of the ...

PLN ready to build Jatigede hydro power plant

State electricity company PT PLN is planning to build a hydro power plant with a capacity of 2x25 megawatts in ...

Private investor builds hydro power plant in S Sumatra

PT Hidro Cipta Energi is constructing a minihydro power plant with a capacity of 5 megawatts at Talangkubangan hamlet ...

Ministry to build micro-hydro power plant in Hukurila, Maluku

The ministry of public works will build a micro hydro power plant in Hukurilla village, South Leitimur sub district, ...