
Collection of iaea news, found 128 news.

Iran vows to respond with `fists of iron` to US, Israel attack

Iran`s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Thursday any military action against the Islamic Republic would ...

S. Korea, US envoys to meet on N. Korea in Vienna

South Korea`s nuclear envoy Lim Sung-Nam will meet a top US official in Vienna next week for talks on ways to revive ...

Washington denies seeking military confrontation with Iran

The Obama administration continues its efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem through diplomacy and does not ...

Russia calls for direct contacts between Iran, IAEA

Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for settlement of existing problems between Iran and International Atomic ...

US supports nuclear nonproliferation, safety in ASEAN

The US has reiterated its active support for ASEAN and its member states in the nonproliferation of nuclear and other ...

IAEA director general to visit Indonesia

Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukia Amano will visit Indonesia to increase ...

Iran to stop high-grade uranium enrichment if provided with fuel

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran will give up 20 percent uranium enrichment if the country is ...

FM calls int`l community to emphasize on safety cooperation for nuclear utilization

The world`s balanced concern between the need of energy and the safety of nuclear utilization required serious ...

Japan to seek IAEA advice before restarting reactors

Japan plans to seek advice from the UN atomic watchdog before restarting nuclear reactors stopped as a precaution ...

Iran to start bushehr nuclear power plant by Aug.30 "if tests completed"

Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Fereidoon Abbasi said here Sunday that the first phase of Bushehr ...

IAEA official observing nuclear technology application results in RI

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) deputy chief Daud Mohammad is currently visiting Indonesia to observe the ...

Babel may host RI`s first nuke power plants

Forced by strong opposition from the local population, the government has decided to postpone building a nuclear ...

IAEA to review safety of 440 nuke power plants worldwide

The Intentional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will review the safety of 440 nuclear power plants in a number of ...

IAEA board breached charter by Iran referral to UN Security Council

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to IAEA Ali-Asghar Soltanieh said on Sunday that the IAEA Board of Governors ...

Divided UN Atom Body Sends Syria to Security Council

The U.N. nuclear watchdog board reported Syria to the Security Council on Thursday for covert atomic work, a U.S.-led ...