
Collection of iaea news, found 128 news.

IAEA resolution calls on DPRK to cooperate

Member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) passed a resolution Friday, calling on the Democratic ...

China opposes excessive pressure on Iran

China is not in favor of putting excessive pressure or imposing new sanctions on Iran over Tehran`s controversial ...

President appoints 24 new ambassadors

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, here on Monday at the Presidential Palace, appointed 24 new ambassadors ...

Upcoming NAM Summit in Tehran "very important"

The upcoming 16th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran, Iran, is "very important " and is expected to be ...

Iran nuclear talks resume in nervous atmosphere

World powers will seek to avert a collapse of diplomacy over Iran's nuclear programme at talks starting in ...

IAEA says still in talks with N Korea on possible visit

The UN nuclear agency said Thursday it was still in talks with North Korea about a possible visit by inspectors, ...

Indonesia rejects presence of nuclear weapons

Indonesia will voice its firm rejection of the production and deployment of nuclear weapons during the nuclear ...

Iran, IAEA to carry on talks: delegate

Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency whose officials wound up a two-day visit to Tehran on Tuesday are to ...

Buddhist Leader Calls for 2015 Nuclear Abolition Summit in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

-     In his 30th annual peace proposal, released on January 26, Daisaku Ikeda, president of the ...

Russia: strike on Iran would be `catastrophe`

Russia warned Wednesday that a military strike on Iran would be a "catastrophe" with the severest consequences which ...

Australia expands sanctions on Iran

Australia Tuesday expanded sanctions against Iran to restrict business with the country`s petroleum and financial ...

Int`l community appreciates ri`s progress in nuclear technology : official

The international community appreciates the progress Indonesia has made in nuclear science and technology, and ...

Iran says IAEA resolution lacks credibility, effectiveness

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said that the recent resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency ...

Japan plans to reduce dependence on nuke energy

Noriyuki Shikata, the deputy cabinet secretary for public affairs at prime minister`s of Japan, said the country ...

White House says IAEA report on Iran "very alarming"

The White House said on Thursday that this week`s International Atomic Energy Agency report on Iran`s nuclear program ...