#indonesia government

Collection of indonesia government news, found 116 news.

Eastern Indonesia`s biodiversity prone to biopiracy

The biodiversity in Eastern Indonesian region was prone to biological theft or biopiracy as most of the species ...

Nigeria Hopes For Indonesia's Help In The Fishery Sector

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visit to four countries, namely Liberia, Nigeria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, means ...

ADB provides a loan of us$300 m for Indonesia

Asia Development Bank (ADB) has provided US$300 million in new loan for Indonesia to finance infrastructure ...

UNESCO declares Batur`s caldera part of global geopark network

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has declared the caldera area of Mt ...

Australia committed to resolve Timor Sea pollution issue

The Australian government will continue to hold talks with the Indonesia government in order to resolve the pollution ...

Indonesia government targets 6% increase in food production

The Ministry of Agriculture is aiming at a 6 percent increase in food production per year for the next two years in ...

Indonesia calls the world to save coral reef

Indonesia calls the international community to give serious attention in saving coral reef and fishery resources in ...

All Indonesian workers to be repatriated from Syria

Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Muhaimin Iskandar has called for the repatriation of all Indonesian migrant ...

RI govt sets conditions for exports of mining materials

The Indonesia government has issued a regulation requiring companies exporting 14 raw mining materials to meet five ...

Govt told to focus on new and renewable energy

The Indonesian government should focus on developing new and renewable energy sources to reduce the country`s ...

BNI Deploys Multifactor Authentication System, Indriya Ease, Powered by Nuance's VocalPassword

-         - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI) becomes the first bank in ...

Indonesia`s economy to grow 6.2 pct next year

The Indonesian economic growth next year will decline from the target of 6.5 percent for 2011 but will stay at a high ...

Bhutan to study community development in Sulawesi

The government of Bhutan will study the practice of community development in South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and ...

Biosphere reserves should improve local people`s livelihoods

Besides protecting the ecology and biodiversity, the existence of biosphere reserves in Indonesia should also improve ...

Indonesia proposes bio-village in SSC int`l workshop

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan said the Indonesian government proposed bio-village concept in the second ...