#indonesian islamic state

Collection of indonesian islamic state news, found 26 news.

National Police assisting in Al Zaytun alms misuse investigation

The National Police is assisting the Indramayu Police Department in investigating the alleged misuse of zakat (alms) by ...

Densus 88 seizes two homemade bombs from Yogyakarta ISIS sympathizer

The National Police's Anti-terror Special Detachment (Densus) 88 confiscated two homemade bombs from suspected ISIS ...

BNPT encourages Indonesian youngsters to support anti-radicalism

Brigadier General R. Ahmad Nurwakhid, Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), encouraged ...

Indonesian terror suspects in Kuala Lumpur not yet indicted

The Malaysian legal authorities have not yet leveled a formal indictment against three Indonesians arrested on ...

Foreign Ministry verifies report on suspected Indonesian terrorists in Malaysia

The Foreign Ministry is still verifying a report that the Malaysian police have detained three suspected terrorists ...

President asks PPP to demonstrate stable political life

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked the United Development Party (PPP) to demonstrate a stable political ...

Govt yet to take firm stance on NII movement: NU leader

The government has yet to show a firm stand on the NII (Indonesian Islamic State) movement which could well transform ...

MDI calls on MUI to return to its identity

The Islamic Propagation Council (MDI) called on the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUU) to return to its identity as the ...

Al-zaytun, Nii Alleged Links Spark Controversies

The alleged links between the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) movement and the Al-Zaytun Islamic boarding school in ...

Minister`s visit to al-Aaytun ridiculous : crisis center

The Indonesian Islamic State (NII) Crisis Center said Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali`s visit to the ...

Former minister criticizes failure to disband NII

Former Research and Technology Minister Muhammad A.S. Hikam has criticized the government and law enforcers for ...

Religious affairs minister`s comment on Al-Zaytun "reckless" : NU executive

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadarma Ali has shown a "reckless attitude" by concluding that the Al Zaytun Islamic ...

Minister denies having differences with MUI

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali denied having differences with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) over the ...

Minister: Al Zaytun not linked to NII

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharman Ali said that the Al Zaytun Islamic boarding school was not linked with the ...

Police yet to question alleged NII kingpin

The police still have no plan to summon for questioning Panji Gumilang, the man many people believe is a key figure ...