#indonesian military

Collection of indonesian military news, found 1.570 news.

Helicopter makes emergency landing in Central Java

A helicopter had to make an emergency landing due to bad weather conditions at the Dukuh Jetis Square, Kadipaten ...

Semarang inundated again

Parts of Semarang, Central Java Province, is again flooded, with waters at a depth of 30 cm to 80 cm, following ...

Police arrests ten suspects of Papua shooting incident

The Indonesian Police have arrested ten suspects from the Papua shooting incident that claimed an army personnel from ...

Indonesian military deploys 31 thousand soldiers to mitigate disaster

The Indonesian Military (TNI) deployed 31 thousands soldiers to help mitigate floods and other disasters that have ...

National police receives Rp1 trillion to secure elections

The National Police has received Rp1 trillion as operational funds for making security arrangements during the ...

Police arrest military attacker of OPM group in Puncak Jaya

The police arrested a military attacker, who is believed to be part of a group responsible for killing First Private ...

First lady visits mount Sinabung refugee camp

First Lady Ani Yudhoyono visited the Mount Sinabung refugee camp and also looked at the handicrafts made by the ...

Indonesian military officer shot dead by Papua's separatists

An Indonesian military officer was shot dead in an ambush by separatists in Mulia, Papua Province, on Friday at 10.50 ...

Indonesian military to have Apache combat helicopters

The Indonesian army will be strengthened with 8 units of AH-64 Apache AH-64 combat helicopter, Army Chief of Staff ...

Thousand tni personnel deployed to help disaster victims

Military Area Command (Kodam) III/Siliwangi deployed thousands of personnel to help the flood victims in a number of ...

HMS Daring arrives in Jakarta

The Royal Navy War Ship, Her Majesty Ship (HMS) Daring, has arrived in Jakarta International Container Terminal II to ...

One shot dead during trouble makers-joint forces shoot out in Papua

A member of the trouble maker group "Jhon Beanal" was shot dead during a shootout by the joint forces of Indonesian ...

Defense Ministry looking to replace aging F-5 tiger fighter aircraft

The Indonesian Defense Ministry announced its plan to replace the F-5 Tiger fighter aircraft with the latest ...

Indonesian mily chief greets Garuda Contingent task force

Indonesian Military (TNI) chief Gen. Moeldoko greeted 175 members of the Garuda Contingent (Konga) XX-J task force who ...

40 Indonesian military vessels to join Komodo naval excercise

At least 40 military vessels from 18 countries will join Multilateral Naval Exercise (MNE) Komodo 2014 in Batam, ...