#indonesian police

Collection of indonesian police news, found 1.537 news.

Jakarta police uncover Pekanbaru-Jakarta-Bandung drug ring

The Indonesian Police have uncovered the Riau-Jakarta-Bandung drug ring as a result of a thorough investigation that ...

Remains of bombs in Sibolga attack to be destroyed on Thursday: Police

The remains of the homemade bombs that the Indonesian police found inside the home of a terror suspect in Sibolga, ...

Terror suspect's wife in Sibolga detonates herself with two children

The wife of Husain, alias Abu Hamzah, a terror suspect arrested by the Police's counterterrorism squad, Densus 88, ...

10 helicopters, one Cassa deployed to fight Riau's forest fires

The Indonesian government has deployed 10 helicopters and a Cassa aircraft to extinguish forest and land fires in Riau ...

Ministry focuses on preventive measures against forest fires

The Environmental Affairs and Forestry Ministry`s Forest and Land Fire Control Brigade, Manggala Agni, and ...

Drug producers and dealers are Indonesia`s number one enemy

This week, the Indonesian public was again at the receiving end of a shocking news of a politician arrested for ...

Indonesian police uncover Jakarta-Palembang drug ring

The Indonesian police have uncovered a Jakarta-Palembang drug ring and confiscated 50 kilograms (kg) of crystal ...

President calls on police to crack down on football mafia

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the Indonesian Police to crack down on the football mafia involved in ...

Premium Sun refutes allegations that it improperly holds on to PT Bintang's land

Premium Sun Limited, a company managed by Hong Kong-based Phoenix Property Investors, today refuted allegations by PT ...

Indonesia assists Malaysia in identifying mutilated victims

The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur continues to assist the Malaysian Diraja Police (PDRM) in identifying two ...

News Focus

Indonesia fights fake social media accounts

Facebook's decision to take down hundreds of pages, accounts, and groups for engaging in coordinated inauthentic ...

Police challenged to re-investigate saracen case

This week, the name of Saracen Group, an online syndicate that the Indonesian police had investigated in 2017 for ...

Stop circle of violence in Papua

A circle of violence remains unstoppable in the Indonesian province of Papua. Last weekend, a civilian was again ...

Indonesian police confiscate 50 kilograms of crystal meth from Malaysia

The National Police have seized 50 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 15 thousand ecstasy pills, and a pack of ...

Jakarta police probe assaults on two KPK investigators

The Jakarta Police are investigating assaults on two investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), ...