#indonesian police

Collection of indonesian police news, found 1.518 news.

Gov`t elements work together to identify lion air victims : Minister

Health Minister Nila Moeloek said all elements of the government were combined, working together to identify victims ...

Those burning flag acted without malice: Police

Head of the Indonesian Police Criminal Investigation Unit Com. Gen Arief Sulistyanto has said that perpetrators of the ...

Two Malaysian drug smugglers arrested in Surabaya

The Indonesian police have arrested two Malaysian citizens for allegedly smuggling 1.05 kilograms of crystal ...

Musician Ahmad Dhani barred from traveling abroad

Indonesian musician Ahmad Prasetyo, alias Ahmad Dhani, is barred from traveling abroad for six months, as the police ...

Two suspected male terrorists shot in North Sumatra

Two suspected male terrorists were shot by the Indonesian Police`s anti-terror squad, the Special Detachment 88, on ...

Kalla lauds work of police at three major events

Vice President Jusuf Kalla praised the Indonesian Police`s performance in safeguarding three major events in Indonesia ...

Amien Rais praises investigators` attitude during questioning

Former chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Amien Rais has lauded Jakarta Police investigators after he was ...

Police investigate alleged fake news on assault against activist

A joint team of the Jakarta Police and the Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) of the Indonesian Police has ...

More Pertamina fuel trucks arrive in quake-hit Palu: police

The Indonesian police will double their strength to secure Palu by deploying two thousand extra personnel in the near ...

Indonesia, US agree to promote cooperation in cyberspace

The governments of Indonesia and the United States have agreed to promote cyberspace cooperation, which was confirmed ...

Elections commission must tighten cybersecurity of its web: expert

The General Election Commission (KPU) must tighten cybersecurity of its web and system to protect data of the 2019 ...

Momo parade to promote Asian Para Games in Jakarta

Thousands of people took part in a Momo parade held in the National Monument (Monas) area, here on Sunday, to promote ...

Pandjaitan amazed by technological sophistication of BPBD in Bali

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan stated that he was amazed by the technological ...

Questioning Malaysia`s commitment to fighting drugs

Over the past two months, officers of the Indonesian police, navy, and National Narcotics Agency (BNN) have repeatedly ...

Suspected thief of chilean tourist`s credit card arrested: bali police

The Indonesian police in the resort island of Bali have detained Yonaris Kido for allegedly stealing the credit card ...