#indonesian ulema council

Collection of indonesian ulema council news, found 564 news.

Indonesia inks MoU for building food, drug authority in Palestine

Indonesia and Palestine signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on capacity-building cooperation to support the ...

Indonesia continually assists Palestine to achieve independence

President Joko Widodo affirmed that the Indonesian government will continue to support Palestine to become an ...

National dialogue key for nation's unity: Amin

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin on Tuesday highlighted the need for national dialogue to maintain national unity and ...

Minister envisions pandemic ending if no case spike until February

Minister of Health  Budi Gunadi Sadikin  expressed optimism that Indonesia would be able to put an end to the ...

Widodo observes first administration of IndoVac

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Thursday observed the first administration of the domestically produced COVID-19 ...

Indonesia's inflation rate among the lowest in the world: Minister

Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto drew attention to the fact that Indonesia's ...

Bio Farma's IndoVac vaccine obtains BPJPH's halal certificate

The IndoVac COVID-19 vaccine produced by state-owned pharmaceuticals holding PT Bio Farma officially received a halal ...

AWcorna Indonesia's chance to develop mRNA vaccine: BPOM

Indonesia has secured a chance to produce an mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine through the technology transfer of AWcorna ...

BPOM assures all domestically made COVID vaccines halal

Head of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) Penny K. Lukito has confirmed that all three domestic ...

Gov't directs COVID-19 vaccine industry to prioritize halal platform

The government directs the industry to utilize halal platform in the COVID-19 vaccine creation process to address the ...

Taking VP's position to respond to Jokowi's invitation: Amin

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin stated that he decided to switch from serving as ulema for the Muslim community to vice ...

Social media must be used properly: Vice President

Social media must be used as well as possible so that it can benefit many people, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has ...

Bio Farma ready to produce 20 million IndoVac vaccine doses

State-owned pharmaceutical firm PT Bio Farma expressed its readiness to produce up to 20 million doses of the ...

KSP underscores significance of realizing halal ecosystem

Presidential Staff Office's (KSP's) Deputy III Panutan Sulendrakusuma accentuated the importance of creating a ...

Targeting emergency use approval for Indovac in Sep: Bio Farma

State-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma is targeting to get emergency-use authorization for the domestically ...