Indonesian Muslims celebrate Idul Fitri on different days with the second largest Muslim organization Muhammadiayah ...
Amid fears of increasing extremism, radicalism and bomb terrors, calls for dissolution of NII, a movement ...
The Salam Mosque Foundation of the Bandung-based Institute of Technology (ITB) is not a base for cadre recruitment of ...
The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI)`s branch in Banten province has urged security agencies to immediately disclose ...
The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) has declared that Ahmadiyah was heretic and called on the government to disband ...
Six followers of the Ahamadiyah Islamic sect were killed in a clash with residents in Umbulan village, Cikeusik ...
Interfaith leaders grouped in the "movement against lies" have stated they intend to keep a communication line with ...
Failing to touch on the substance of their criticism against the government during a four-hour meeting with President ...