
Collection of instruments news, found 1.115 news.

Preparations for PON XX athletics arena reach 95-percent completion

Preparations for the PON XX National Games' athletics arena have reached 95-percent completion, according to the ...

DPR, Govt should promptly discuss crucial Island Regions Bill: Expert

The House of Representatives (DPR) and the government should hold discussions at the earliest on the Island Regions ...

Net liability of Indonesia's int'l investment position falls in Q2

Indonesia’s international investment position recorded a net liability of US$264.1 billion, or 23.8 percent of ...

Industrial Designated Areas to foster growth of regional economy

based permit system," he expounded. In addition to suitability for spatial planning, the establishment of KPIs ...

VP calls for partnership between small and big business players

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has urged players of small and big businesses to build partnerships and support one ...

Furniture, handicraft market opportunities continue to grow: minister

Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita has said that opportunities for the furniture and handicraft market have ...

Infrastructure, technological developments drive exports: govt

Efforts to develop infrastructure and utilize technology have boosted Indonesia's exports, Head of the Fiscal ...

Under-thirty young investors dominating capital market: OJK

Investors under the age of 30 are dominating the capital market, with their number swelling by 99 percent to reach 6.1 ...

Life insurance investment in first half at Rp510.5 trillion: AAJI

Investment in the life insurance industry rose 14.7 percent in the first half of 2021 to reach Rp510.5 trillion from ...

Minister ensures state fund accountability in handling COVID-19

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has assured that both central and regional governments would continue to ...

BRI director highlights BRI Group's vision for future development

President Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Sunarso shed light on the BRI group's vision for the future to ...

BI pushes digital finance development

Bank Indonesia (BI) has continued to encourage digital finance development, which it considers one of the ...

Pencil and music instrument industry applies health protocols: govt

- PT A.W. Faber-Castell Indonesia and PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing Asia in Bekasi, West Java, -- on August 26. The ...

Indonesia needs Rp3,461 trillion to tackle climate change: minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said that Indonesia will need Rp3,461 trillion, or equivalent to US$266 ...

1.5 billion workers to be affected by climate change: minister

As many as 1.5 billion workers will be affected by climate change, based on a study by the United Nations Framework ...