#international community

Collection of international community news, found 1.269 news.

Government mobilizes its power for C Sulawesi disaster

The government is considered to have mobilized all its power in distributing aid, and in identifying various losses ...

Indonesia-Mikta promote creative economy in the UN

The Indonesian government is cooperating with a group of countries Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, Australia ...

Prabowo-Sandiaga pair agrees to temporarily stop campaigns in C Sulawesi

The Prabowo-Sandiaga pair`s national campaign team has agreed to temporarily stop any form of presidential election ...

Indonesia not to ask for international aid to cope with tsunami

Indonesia would not ask for international aid to cope with the devastating impact of Friday`s earthquake and tsunami ...

Indonesia urges world community to not silent about Palestine

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has called on world community to not remain silent about Israel`s occupation of ...

News Focus - Indonesia continues to encourage repatriation of Rohingya people by Aditya e.

Indonesia and the international community continue to encourage Myanmar and Bangladesh to create concrete progress on ...

Empowerment of women is the key to overcome radicalism

Women`s empowerment that starts from the community can be a key factor to overcome radicalism and terrorism, because ...

Multi-professional community declares anti-hoax movement

A number of academics, media workers, students, and businessmen have declared Anti-Hoax Community Movement on the ...

Indonesia encourages women`s participation in realizing world peace

Indonesia has called on the international community and UN member states to encourage the participation of women in ...

Indonesia urges UN to stop impunity of Israel

Indonesia has urged the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva to immediately end impunity on Israe, ...

Indonesia to encourage int`l community to recognize Palestinian state

The Indonesian government will encourage the international community during the UN General Assembly scheduled for Sept ...

Japanese PM to attend 45th year celebration of Japan-Asean cooperation

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will attend the peak commemoration of the 45th year of Japan and ASEAN (Association ...

indonesia urged to utilize its seat at unsc to end rohingya crisis

The Coalition of Indonesian Civil Society Organizations urged the government to utilize Indonesia`s position as ...

Indonesia to help Tanzania become middle-income country

Indonesia is ready to take part in Tanzania`s industrialization efforts to become a middle-income country in the near ...

Indonesia receives award for its contribution to South-South Cooperation

Indonesian Ambassador to Thailand  Ahmad Rusdi, represented Indonesia while receiving an award for Indonesia`s ...