
Collection of inundated news, found 670 news.

South Kalimantan: Floods force 112,709 people to flee home

Floods that have inundated several parts of South Kalimantan province in the past few days have claimed five lives and ...

Flooding in Jember displaces hundreds of residents

Floodwaters, reaching a height of up to two meters, submerged two sub-districts in Jember District, East Java Province, ...

TNI distributes Presidential aid to S Kalimantan flood victims

Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto delivered humanitarian aid -- 34 rubber boats, ...

Year Ender 2020

ASEAN's concrete actions paramount to ending Rohingya's misery

Some 399 Rohingya boat people, including women and children, were stranded in Aceh, Indonesia's westernmost ...

Five urban communities, three villages in E Java's Pamekasan flooded

Floods inundated houses in five urban communities (kelurahan) and three villages in Pamekasan District, East Java, on ...

Floods trigger displacement of nearly 10 thousand East Aceh residents

Floods caused by unremitting torrential rains over the last 72 hours have displaced 9,988 people in East Aceh District, ...

Five sub-districts in Banyumas flooded as Serayu River overflows

Floods, resulting from the overflowing of Serayu River, inundated several villages in five sub-districts in Banyumas ...

Tebing Tinggi establishes 13 command posts for 3,222 flood victims

The Regional Disaster Mitigation Office (BPBD) of Tebing Tinggi City, North Sumatra Province, set up 13 command posts ...

Floods swamp 1,078 homes in Langkat, North Sumatra

Flood swamped 1,078 houses in Batang Serangan Sub-district, Langkat District, North Sumatra, following incessant heavy ...

Floods, landslides hit seven sub-districts of Cilacap

Seven sub-districts in Cilacap district, Central Java, have witnessed floods and landslides amid heavy rainfall, said ...

Floods inundate 126 homes in South Solok, West Sumatra

Floods triggered by unremitting torrential rains that led to the Batang Pangian and Batang Geringging rivers to ...

Floods inundate several hundred houses in Jembrana, Bali

A flood, triggered by incessant heavy rains, submerged hundreds of houses in Jembrana District, Bali, particularly ...

Indonesian Red Cross assists flood victims in South Jakarta

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) on Sunday distributed 600 cooked food packages to 271 flood victims in Ciganjur ...

52 residents of East Jakarta evacuated due to flooding

East Jakarta firefighters on early Sunday helped evacuate 52 residents of three sub-districts which had been inundated ...

Flash flood ravages 37 houses in Bengkulu

A flash flood, caused by heavy rains, destroyed 37 houses in Air Keruh Village in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia, on ...