
Collection of iphone news, found 119 news.

Clinicians Worldwide Confirm Impact of UpToDate on Quality of Care in 2014

- Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced ...

Wolters Kluwer Health Introduces UpToDate Anywhere Mobile Clinical Decision Support in Asia

- Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced ...

Capdase Turns a New Page in Electronics Accessories Industry

- Capdase, a pioneer and trendsetter in the electronics accessory industry, is unveiling its latest products for ...

Spending Quality Family Time at IIMS 2014

The biggest auto show in Indonesia, Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2014, displaying the latest vehicles and ...

InList App Developed by Michael Capponi and Gideon Kimbrell Draws Celebrities and Notables to Launch Event

- Nightlife icon Michael Capponi and software guru Gideon Kimbrell announced the planned rollout of their revolutionary ...

Revolutionary Free Call App nanu on a Mission to End Phone Bills

- The world's first completely free and truly mobile call app - nanu - launched today, with the aim of revolutionizing ...

NTT Communications Launches Cloud Service for Japanese Language Education

-   NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), ICT solutions and international communications business within ...

Maxthon Brings Enhanced Performance and Superior User Experience to iPhone and iPad Web Browsing

- Maxthon, a global software company that develops state-of-the-art web browsers, today released an updated version of ...

Indonesia expects exports to increase after positive data from China

Indonesia expects its non-oil and gas exports to increase in view of the 7.5 percent growth rate of the Chinese ...

Indonesia has better economic conditions

Deputy Finance Minister Mahendra Siregar said that Indonesia`s economic condition was better than those of other ...

Keek Launches Social Video App for Windows Phone 8

- Keek announced today that it has released its app for Microsoft's mobile platform. Those who have been eagerly ...

RI has become world`s fifteenth biggest economy: Minister

Indonesia now is the world`s fifteenth biggest economy with a value reaching Rp10,000 trillion in 2012, Trade ...

Keek Surpasses 45 Million Users; Registers 24 Million Users In 4 Months

- Keek, the mobile social video network, officially announced today that its community has surpassed 45 million users, ...

Keek Adds Private Video Messaging To Its Social Video Platform

- Keek, the leading mobile social video network, announced today that it has added a new private messaging function to ...

Trade minister calls on people not to consume imported products

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan called on the people to not consume too many imported products as it would only make ...