
Collection of islamic news, found 5.404 news.

Madrasas cannot be taken lightly: Religious Affairs Minister

Islamic schools (madrasas) have transformed from traditional to modern educational institutions with many achievements, ...

Minister provides Rp1 billion in aid for Jakarta Cathedral

Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas on Monday directly handed Rp1 billion in aid for the Jakarta Cathedral ...

Floods, landslides in Trenggalek damage roads, bridges, and houses

Flooding and landslides that recently hit certain areas of 12 sub-districts in Trenggalek District, East Java, damaged ...

East Aceh flooding displaces 2,436 people: BNPB

Floods forced 2,436 residents of six sub-districts in East Aceh District, Aceh Province, to evacuate themselves to ...

Mawlid momentum to accelerate Sharia economy: Minister Thohir

Minister of State-owned Enterprises Erick Thohir has said that Mawlid, the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, is a momentum ...

VP expects MES to bolster cooperation, push sharia economy development

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has said that he expects the Islamic Economic Community (MES) to encourage collaboration ...

Conducting thorough probe into Kanjuruhan tragedy: TGIPF

The joint independent fact-finding team (TGIPF) is conducting a thorough investigation into the Kanjuruhan Stadium ...

36 injured in Kanjuruhan stampede still hospitalized: police

Thirty six people injured in the crowd crush at Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, West Java, are still hospitalized, Head of ...

Halal industry has had positive impact on economic recovery: minister

The national halal industry has had a positive impact on economic recovery from the pandemic in Indonesia, which must ...

Development of women-run MSMEs will advance economy: BI

The development of women-run micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), including those producing sharia fashion, ...

Iron supplement intake among teenage girls still low: BKKBN

The percentage of adolescent girls consuming iron supplements, which are being provided in educational institutions as ...

Film can be medium for discussing cultural differences: Ministry

Film is an appropriate learning medium to talk about and discuss cultural differences and tolerance, the Education, ...

Need to provide emotional education to students from the start: expert

Education that builds mental and emotional maturity must be provided from the start to students at all levels of ...

Interfaith prayer pacified communal conflict in Maluku

An interfaith prayer organized by Maluku's South Buru District Police has defused a conflict between the residents ...

Ministry invites Muslims to pray for Kanjuruhan tragedy victims

licensed Security Officer Nugroho Setiawan, deputy head of National Sports Committee (KONI) Suwarno, former head of the ...